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Hie guys hope y'all are doing great cause I ain't. I'm currently sick and will be spending the December holidays at a place with poor reception so updates will be slow.

But starting with good news, I'll be dropping the Instagram and Facebook page for the book so look out for that.

Can you please vote on the chapters after reading. It really hurts and it's discouraging writing a chapter and 100 people read it but there's on two votes.

Or at least comment and tell me if the chapter was good or not and give constructive feedback because at this point im one step from deleting the book and just giving up writing as a whole.

So from me to you, I love and appreciate each and everyone of you guys even though you're ghost readers ❤️😍💕so let's go and vote, comment and share the book as much as we can.

Till we meet again....... When you vote on the previous chapters

His to fixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang