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It's been a crazy couple of months, okay maybe I'm exaggerating but then it's been 3 months since I last saw Mbali and her dramatic dad. Sigh.

We are now in November and to say life has been peaceful would be a lie. Work has me by the neck but I'm glad that this is my last month in Joburg then I'll be relocating to Kzn. The city life is not for me if I'm being honest. It's the first week of November meaning the matriculants of 2023 are starting to write their exams and I feel like doing a little something something for Mbali even though I know I'll be shooting myself in the foot or should I say thigh?

Anyway I order some snacks and energy drinks and a bouquet of sunflowers and I have the package delivered to her school sine I don't know her home address. Honestly if I'm being transparent about how I feel about her?  I still love her, I don't think I'll ever love someone like I love her and I'm willing to wait for her to fix her life. Even it means waiting 10 years. I know it sounds absurd but I can't help it. I love her bafethu. Her innocence, her aura, her smile and her stubbornness, I just love everything about her. Yes she's young but I've never felt like this about a girl before.

I'm heading to the kids clinic after my lunch break when my phone rings and it's my dad. I love this old man but hes always trying to dictate my life. Him and his older son my brother Vusisizwe . I dread answering the call but I know ignoring it will just make matters worse because he might take his wife and fly to joburg. FML

"Mageba unjani" I answer the call and my dad sighs before responding. At this point I think I've established that kukhona into e off.

"Ngikahle ndodana, look this is not a social call. I'm calling you to tell you that I want you ekhaya [home] on Saturday." he says in a stern voice and I can't help but feel defeated.

"Kodwa Mageba I can't just up and leave, I'm doing my in service and I can't just leave and come EKZN. What's so important that needs me at home ngoba I'm coming back on December" I say trying to reason with this old hag. You know parents need counseling cause wow this one is gonna give me grey hair when I'm still young.

"Wemfana ngithe ngoMgqibelo usekhaya Musa ukungibhedela mina. December wokunuka, it's either usekhaya or you know what will happen. Kanti what's so difficult with following a simple instruction? HABE! ' he says raising his voice and cutting the call. I even had to remove the phone from my ear before he could bust my eardrum.

[young man, I said on Saturday you'll be at home. Don't patronize me. December my foot, it's either you come home or you know what will happen. ]

I slump my shoulders and head to the HR department and file for a leave. Yazi one day I'll die because of stress. After filing for my leave I start with my work and I'm working a double shift today. To think it's only Wednesday but I'm feeling like I'm carrying the whole of China in my arms. At 8 pm , a badly injured toodler is wheeled in, car accident.

We rush her to the ER and it's my first one on one operation. I try my best not to fuck up and channel my anger towards my dad into saving this little soul. Even with scars and bruises, she still looks so pretty. She suffered a deep cut into her stomach but it's nothing I can't fix. After 5 draining hours, the operation is a success and I go to deliver the news to her parents.

"Amahle Khathide" I say and a woman in her mid forties and the yellow bone Lucky Dube approach me. She's crying and the boy looks like shit. Although he's not my favorite person right now, I don't want to kick a dog when it's already down.

"doctor how's my daughter"

"where's my sister? Tell me she's okay! Please man tell me she's gonna be okay!" he says clutching to my scrubs and I can't help but put an arm around him in a comforting manner. After he's calmed down I start explaining Amahle's situation.

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