CHAPTER - 3 Ohm & Two

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-I don't want to eat at all here is the day I want to eat Japanese food, is the day I speak with a pleading voice

-Can P'Om bring Win to eat Japanese food? Win asked with a hug Ohm's arm Both Ohm and Two immediately looked at the two young men following the call.

Ohm raised his eyebrows when he saw that it was Win with a friend.

-Ohm didn't see Win at all. Come out here today, the young man said loudly before immediately sitting down next to Ohm

As for Win's friend, he sat down. On the other hand, Two was secretly a little displeased. That the other party didn't even ask permission first, even though the other party knew Oh

- I came to eat with my friend, answered Khom. Win turned to look at Two and smiled a little.

-Hello, Win greeted Two, so they nodded and continued eating

-Rice money Go buy some food to eat with me.

Ohm said as the other side is still considered his person

-I bought food here, said Ohm, looking at the food in front of him.

-You can just leave it at that. Don't keep eating, then we'll go eat Japanese food, said the young man again.

Causing Ohm to be a bit still, Two looked at a young boy sitting slightly on one side before shrugging his head back and forth, seeing this the other side seemed to be a bit overwhelmed.

But Two tried not to think about anything because they saw this It's not about him.

-You can take your brother out to eat. Wait what you bought, I will eat it, he said.

-If I go, won't you go with me? Ohm asked back.

- No, I'm sorry about this food. I will go back to the apartment after I finish eating.

Two said with a slight shrug. Ohm immediately frowned.

-You said you would see a movie with me? Ohm said again.

-Pee Ohm, are you going to see a movie? We finish eating and go to see a movie. Yes, today is a day off, said the young man.

Makes Ohm a bit still.

Trim... Trim... Trim...

Not in time for Two to answer him Ohm's cell phone rang. So Two immediately answered the call

-What... Well I went out for a drink last night, So I slept in the apartment.... I'll come home today. I have to drive to work tomorrow... Okay... smile.

Two spoke to Three who called.

where did you sleep last night Because Two's car is still parked at home.

- I took a taxi with Din and Song to the tavern. Because I was afraid that if I got drunk I couldn't drive back But because of the beating he didn't have to go, Therefore he had to sleep in the apartment so as not to come home if he saw his face again last night everyone would have panicked.

-Oh, Ohm, I probably can't watch movies with you anymore. I have to go get the car from my house.

Two said immediately as he was looking for a way to separate himself from the two young men and Ohm.

Two thinks that Win is probably a fan (lover) of Ohm Because from the look and these intimate gestures that is deduced

-So let's buy snacks for lunch first. Better yet, after the movie ends, we can find something delicious to eat again, Win said, Ohm nodded in agreement.

Before giving Win money to buy snacks to sit and eat.

Win receives money from Ohm with a smile. And invite a friend named Na to go together immediately.

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