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- Isn't breakfast delicious? Com asked Mac as the three of them ate breakfast together, but Mac was eating with a grim expression on his face. He looked at his lover for a moment:

"It's delicious, but it's hard to eat," Mac said bluntly.

-See you in 3 months, Ohm said smiling because he knew his friend was depressed about it. About to return to Thailand

- I know, just a little angry, Mac replied.

-Let's eat. I did this for you, he said in a slightly harsh voice.

Mac agreed to stay and eat until he finished cleaning the dishes. Mac's friends have also arrived. He spoke to everyone and then asked permission to climb in dining room. I'm bringing Mac with him.

- Do you want to quit school? If you always put on a face like that all day, he said, his voice slightly fierce. a

He knows she loves him. But he didn't want to part with that kind of mood.

-Oh, I get like this every time I'm away from you. Are you not used to this? Once you come back for 2-3 days, I'll be back to normal, Mac replied.

- The cat is not here, be happy, Nan pretended to tease him

"Yes," replied Mac irritably.

Before that, a smile curved the corner of her mouth and she went to hug her boyfriend.

-Make the most of your study time. When you graduate you have to go back and see the real life. Definitely a busy job. Whether it's daddy's factory or my track and the cars, you and I have to help each other work understand? he said in a serious tone and Mac gave from the head

"When you say things like that, I want to keep studying for a long time," Mac joked, causing a laugh to escape from his throat.

But he was pleased to see that Mac was starting to play with him a bit.

- Enough, you better go back and let me catch my breath, he said again.

Mac looked at Nan's face and let out a small sigh. Before resting his face on his lover's strong shoulder Then they embraced in silence. After a moment, Mac took a deep breath to bring himself to his senses and then turned around.

-Okay, let's help each other get our bags and go downstairs, Mac said.

Even though he left the house at 6pm, he put them in the back of the car for him. It is done first. Why? That's it. the back of the car for him. It is done first. Why? All this is already collected.

- Why didn't you call me so I could help?Ohm said as he saw Mac helping him carry Nan's suitcase that had fallen.

-It's okay, you two can pick it up, replied Nan.

-I thought I was going to say goodbye, Danny joked.

Everyone knows the word goodbye well. Danny said that, referring to sex.

"I'm not as obsessive as you are, Danny," Mac joked. Danny laughed.

They spent some time together at home until evening. He had to take Nan to the airport and help carry his luggage into the car. can you get in the car Without saying a word, Mac hugged her arm the whole way. Nan patted the back of Mac's hand, neither friend teasing them because they know they both want to soak up the moment before they part ways.

Mac had never felt like being stuck in traffic like he did now, was just a thought. They reached the airport in no time. After that, check in and carry the bags with Mac by his side the whole time.

- Okay, okay, let's get something to eat, he said, then they all went to find a restaurant.

We split up at the airport to eat together.

Nan & Mac Book 2 (Love Syndrome)Where stories live. Discover now