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Nan admits that he is feeling light-headed today and started to panic, so he went and gave orders to his subordinates, then returned to his own house.

-Ai Tan, Nan shouted at his subordinate

- Yes, sir, Tan runs from the garage next to the house.

-I want some honey mixed with lemon. Please take her to the room, Nan said.

Tan frowned.

- Nan, does your neck hurt? Tan asked.

-I have a little itch in my throat. I'll lie down and rest, was Nan's reply.

Tan hastily agreed and immediately went to the kitchen.

Nan went up to his room. He had already texted Mac that he wanted to take a shower first and then he would call him, and Mac had answered. Nan finished her shower, changed her clothes and Tan came knocking on the door.

Hey, I brought you some medicine, Tan said, and Nan nodded, taking the honey at the same time to keep in the room.

Then Nan took out her cell phone and called Mac.

(-Your face looks so tired.)

Mac's face lit up when he saw his lover's tired expression. Nan also thought the fever might be starting to take its toll.

"Well, I've been there all day today," Nan replied, before picking up warm water mixed with honey and lemon and taking a sip.

(-What are you drinking?) Mac asked.

Um, so you can't see I'm drinking water? Even though she is uncomfortable, Nan still teases her boyfriend.

(-I know you drink water, but what kind of water? It doesn't look like just water.) Mac asked further, so Nan picked up the glass and looked at him.

-Lemon water, I want to detoxify my body, Nan replied in a normal tone, but Mac seemed to understand.normal, but Mac seemed to understand.

(-It's like when your head broke and you refused to tell me? It was like that, you didn't let me know. That was your attitude back then, too.) Mac spoke loudly. Nan smiled a little.

-Ah, it looks like I'm sick. So I asked Tan for honey lemon water.

Nan answered honestly. Mac looked at Nan with worried eyes.

(-Then go to bed and rest. You don't have to turn it off, put your cell phone away. I'll see when you sleep.)

Mac spoke.

-How about you stay and watch me sleep? Nan asked, and Mac gave right off the bat.

-I'm not a baby. You don't need to set up a camera on me, Nan said again. with eyes

Mac looked at that expressionless face.

(-It's pressure for your boyfriend too) Nan looked at Mac and laughed softly.

-Oh, if you want to look, just look. I'm going to finish this glass and go to bed, Nan said before sipping the entire glass of honey and lemon.

Then he got ready to go to bed, with Mac looking at the cell phone screen the whole time.

(-Don't turn the air conditioner too high, please. Cover yourself with a blanket.)

Mac spoke hastily. So Nan took out her cell phone and placed it next to the bed so that Mac could see it while he was lying in bed. Nan turned off the light in the middle of the room and then turned on the bedside light to make him visible.

-Will my cell phone explode? I also plugged in the charging cable, Nan said quietly.

If it was normal, Mac would have turned it off first, but now he's afraid that if his cell phone battery dies, he won't be able to see him while he's sleeping.

Nan & Mac Book 2 (Love Syndrome)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon