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"You know...I want to travel abroad one day," Mac said with a smile. After standing still by Mac for a while, Nan turned to look at his lover's face with raised eyebrows.

- Aren't you already studying abroad? asked Nan, like a reporter.

I meant other countries, Mac replied.

--Where do you want to go? Nan asked back in a normal tone. His gaze then returned to the porch.

- Japan, Mac replied with a twinkle on his face. Nan smiled weakly.

--When you go back to school this time, try to save some money. If you manage to save enough money to travel, I'll take you on a trip when you get back, Nan suggested. Mac nodded in agreement and immediately turned to look at his lover.

- Are you sure that if I really manage to save money, you won't change your mind? Mac asked to be sure and Nan chuckled softly in her throat

--Oh, I won't change my mind, but you can't take any extra work, added Nan which made Mac sulk slightly.

-But what if I can't save money? Mac complained.

--You can always find ways to save money if you really want to save money. For example, you could stop going to parties. And don't think I didn't know about it, Nan said quietly and turned to look at Mac. Mac froze a little.

--I was there with Ohm, it's not like I went out alone. And we didn't go out that often, Mac said because his friends had a birthday party once and they went with them, but with gusto. He didn't tell Nan that, though, because he knew that just by attending the party with Ohm, Nan wouldn't mind for sure.

- I'm just saying there's no need to get angry. A slight smile played on Nan's lips.

--I don't want to talk about it, or I might say too much. Let us we rest first.

Mac suddenly changed the subject, not wanting to talk about the party anymore.

--You are the one who wanted to discuss. How should I sleep now?

Nan pretended to say jokingly. Mac then made for her to stand up, but Nan quickly grabbed her arm.

--Where are you going? he asked softly.

--I'm leaving so you can sleep comfortably, Mac replied.

Nan looked at Mac's face without saying anything. Mac laughed a little because he knew what Nan would think.

--You should sleep first, I'll go down to find Ohm. I want to explore the house, Mac said again.

Then Nan let go of his arm.

Come and wake me up in an hour, Nan said before closing her eyes.

Mac agreed and got off bed. He went downstairs to find Ohm on the ground floor of the house.

What about Nan? Ohm asked as he saw Mac come down to the living room.

--Rests. So what are you doing and where are you going now? Mac asked.

--I'm going to check out the resort for a while, then I thought I'd bring our lunch back. Come with me? It won't take long, to invite Ohm.

"And if Nan..." Mac asked hesitantly.

--Let him rest first. If he wakes up, he can just call you.

Ohm answered so Mac nodded.

--But I'd rather go upstairs and let him know. He probably wasn't asleep yet, Mac said.

He thought it best to inform Nan before he left. So Mac went back into their room once more and called Nan's name softly.

- Nan... Mac called his lover. Nan he quickly turned to look at Mac because he was just dozing off.

Nan & Mac Book 2 (Love Syndrome)Where stories live. Discover now