"I hope Soobin is all right," Yeonjun expressed his concern, feeling a mix of guilt and worry due to the pill he had given Soobin, fearing it might have caused drowsiness.

"Soobin is late. He should be back by now," Mrs. Choi fretted while pacing back and forth.

"It's him!" Soohyun, keeping watch from the window, suddenly exclaimed, prompting everyone to rush to the door to greet Soobin. Their concern multiplied as they witnessed Soobin arriving with bandages on his right leg, using crutches, his expression vacant.

"What happened?"

"What in the world happened to you?" both parents asked simultaneously.

"I fell," Soobin replied nonchalantly, trying to remove his shoe, which was only on his left foot.

"But that looks awful," Soohyun expressed pity, imagining Soobin had sustained such significant injuries from just a fall.

Yeonjun mumbled with a tinge of regret, "I'm sorry that the charm didn't work..." keeping his head bowed.

Soobin countered softly, "Well, it really worked."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Yeonjun raised his head, catching sight of Soobin's eyes brimming with emotions that he couldn't quite understand.

Soobin hesitated, as if about to explain, but then chose to dismiss it, saying, "Never mind. I'm going to bed." With the aid of Soohyun and Mr. Choi, he slowly made his way up the stairs.

1 week later -
"I didn't do well on the Center Test."

"Me neither. My only hope is the private school," two girls talked to each other  as they passed by Yeonjun and Kai.

Overhearing the conversation, Yeonjun's mood went down . Sensing Yeonjun's mood , Kai attempted to lift his spirits. "Don't worry about Soobin. He's a genius who always scores at the top."

However, Yeonjun couldn't shake off his worries, as he was the only one aware of all the issues Soobin had faced that day. "No, I feel like he won't this time."

At that moment, Beomgyu came running towards them, shouting their names. "Yeonjun and Kai, did you hear? Soobin is going to take the interview  exam for Korean National University!"

"Really? Where did you hear that?" Yeonjun's eyes widened, seeking confirmation that Soobin had indeed passed the first stage.

"In the teachers' lounge," Beomgyu exclaimed. "His score is the top among all students taking the exam for Seoul National University. He is a real genius."

Emotion overwhelmed Yeonjun, tears welled up in his eyes.Surprised by their friend's sudden display of emotions, Kai questioned, "Yeonjun, why are you crying?"

"I'm just so happy. I'm going to congratulate him," Yeonjun said, wiping away his tears and dashing off with a radiant smile on his face.

"He was injured badly but still made the result. The boy I'm in love with is really cool. Maybe the charm worked a little bit?" Yeonjun giggled, lost in daydreams about what Soobin might say when they met later, as he skipped along.

"Watch out!!!" Someone already ahead of him yelled, snapping Yeonjun out of his thoughts. He peered at the person in front, trying to recall where they'd met. Suddenly, it clicked.

"Oh, you're from Class A, Soobin's friend!" Yeonjun pointed at Mingi. However, as Mingi recognized Yeonjun, he began to retreat in the direction he came from.

"Excuse me? What's going on?" Yeonjun halted in front of Mingi, questioning why he was being ignored.

Mingi, with a look of horror, asked, "Could it be about the result of the Center Test? As I expected... Soobin didn't do well on the Center Test?"

Mischievous Kiss: Love in Seoul ( Yeonbin )Where stories live. Discover now