Bella nodded as she took out her bag, "Yeah, yeah I know. But this will just take a few minutes. We'll be back in no time." She mumbled.

Carter narrowed her eyes, "Bella there are bears." She said.

"I know, but we'll stay on the path. I promise." She smiled, causing Carter to glare at her. She could've easily refused to go with her, but Carter didn't want Bella's death on her conscious. So she agreed, begrudgingly so.

It had been half an hour since they started hiking up the trail and Carter felt like a five-year-old kid when she whined, "How much longer?" She groaned as Bella continued to walk ahead, not stopping at all, "we're almost there. This used to be a lot faster with Edward." She chuckled, holding onto a branch to balance herself.

Carter rolled her eyes, "Well, jee, sorry I don't have super speed." She retorted, continuing onwards. It actually didn't take long before the two girls stood before a clearing and Carter was able to heave a sigh of relief.

Bella dragged her feet into the clearing mindlessly and her face turned into one of shock. Carter frowned as she noticed Bella's behavior, "Bells?" She asked, walking towards the younger girl.

"It's dead," Bella whispered as she looked around the area and Carter realized that this was the meadow she often spoke about, "it's gone." Her voice cracked.

She fell to her knees, sobbing slightly as Carter gripped onto her shoulder, "Hey, hey, no. It's okay, alright? It's just the season. The flowers will grow back." She whispered softly, throwing her arm around Bella's shoulder.

However, Bella wouldn't listen. She got off her knees, staring straight ahead as she let out a little gasp of fear. Carter looked up to see a familiar dark-skinned man standing only a few feet ahead of them. She got up quickly, her hand reaching out to grip Bella's arm tightly. She was ready to run if she had to.

"Bella," The man spoke up, his voice soft and a suspicious smile on his face, "Carter." He nodded at her.

"Laurent," Bella mumbled, not being able to say anything else as she stared at him.

Carter gasped, jumping back slightly as he was suddenly a few feet closer. Her palms grew sweaty. She didn't trust him, even if he had helped them once, his red eyes made it hard for Carter to lower her guard even a little.

She pulled Bella into her, shielding her from Laurent's sight partially, "I didn't expect to see you here." He mumbled, slowly walking towards them as Carter tried her best to shield Bella with her own body, out of Laurent's sight.

"I went to visit the Cullens, but the house is empty," he started and Carter froze, shit.


No reply.


'Carter? What's wrong?'

'Cold one. In the woods.'


'No, another one. Her friend.'

'Wait there, we're coming.'


"I'm surprised they left you behind," Laurent continued, chuckling slightly, "weren't you sort of, um, a pet... of theirs?"

Bella gripped Carter's forearm, "yeah, you could say that." She blinked.

"Do they visit often?" He continued to interrogate her and Bella hesitated for just a moment. And that was all Laurent needed.

"Yeah, absolutely. All the time." Carter closed her eyes, sure that Bella herself did not believe that lie.

"I'll tell them you stopped by," she tried to cover up, "but I probably shouldn't... tell Edward." She whispered. And Carter silently prayed that she would shut up.

Astrophile (Paul Lahote x OC)Where stories live. Discover now