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Ratchet has managed to reveal the Decepticons location to the Autobots. His comms connect to theirs and he sends them a message.

"The Omega Locks control station is located on the lower deck," Ratchet comms, "I am making my way there now."

Optimus responds, "Copy, Ratchet. We will rendezvous at the objective. Arcee, lead stealth team to secure the Omega Lock. Ultra Magnus, you and the Wreckers storm the bridge. Prevent the Decepticons from targeting the device if stealth team is delayed."


Smokescreen is woken up by the sound of fighting. He looks around, barely conscious. He can't tell where he is, his vision too blurry to make out shapes. He feels trapped. He tugs his arm, it's stuck. So is his other arm, and his legs. Something on the back of his helm feels strange. What's going on?

Smokescreen hears the sounds of two voices talking, one seems angry, the other seems oddly calm. He can't tell what they're saying or who they are, but they sound familiar. One might be Ratchet and the other might be Shockwave, but he's not sure. I might just be two Vehicons. Wait, he knows where he is now. The Nemesis. How did he get here? Is this what Alpha Trion was talking about?

Fighting, they're fighting. It seems to be a one sided fight too. The angry one is losing. The calm one seems to speak to someone else, someone he can't hear or see. Smokescreen attempts to look around, someone white and orange is sitting against a wall. The voice was Ratchet.

Something opens, the sound of fighting off in the distance. Machinery starts to work. Smokescreen starts to feel like going back to sleep. More fighting, people shouting, blaster fire. But Smokescreen's too tired to care.

Smokescreen feels a hand on his chassis, a barely audible voice speaks to him. He doesn't care, he just wants to go back to sleep. Tugging on the back of his helm, something popping free, the strange feeling is gone. His mind starts to clear.

Smokescreen groans, "Ratchet?"

"Don't worry, I'm here," Ratchet sounds concerned.

Ratchet's hand moves away. He's at a computer, he's doing something.

"What's happening?" Smokescreen asks, barely above a whisper.

"The Decepticons rebuilt to Omega Lock, they were using you to power it," Ratchet explains, "I'm getting you out of here."

A hissing and clicking sound is heard. The binds around Smokescreen hands and feet open. He falls forward, Ratchet barely catches him.

"How are you feeling? Can you stand?" Ratchet asks.

"Tired. Too weak," Smokescreen sighs out.

"I've got you. Just lean on me," Ratchet holds Smokescreen up.

Smokescreen hears three shots, screaming. Ratchet almost drops him. He tries to look up, see what happened. But he doesn't need to see, his spark tells him.

"Bee..." Smokescreen whispers.

He pushes himself forward, away from Ratchet. Bee landed in the cybermatter. If Smokescreen charges the cybermatter, he could save Bee, even from so far away. Smokescreen places his hands on the ground and focuses his energy into the cybermatter. Due to his weakened state, he falls unconscious.


Smokescreen wakes up on a medical bed. He looks around, the Nemesis. He springs up, his helm spinning with exsolution.

"Calm down," Ratchet commands, "You're safe. We've taken over the Nemesis, you don't have to worry."

Smokescreen looks to his side, Bee is there.

"You're alive," Smokescreen smiles.

"Thanks to you, or at least that's what Ratchet says," Bee chuckles.

"You're lucky you didn't kill yourself. You released so much energy into the cybermatter it nearly blew. The energy is still in there, you charged the cybermatter, probably indefinitely," Ratchet scolds.

"Guess I finally got rid of all that extra energy," Smokescreen chuckles.

"Was that what all your random drives were about?" Bee asks.

"Yeah, had pent up energy ever since the first Omega Lock incident," Smokescreen explains.

"You should have told me," Ratchet states.

"Sorry about that," Smokescreen says.


The Autobots empty all of the charged cybermatter into the core of Cybertron. That by itself helps light Cybertron again. But Smokescreen has a lot of work to do before Cybertron is back to its old self again. Thankfully he's not alone. He may be able to rebuild everything, but the other will help him along the way.


Omega (TFP AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon