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Taehyung rolled over to his back.. stifling a laugh as he continued chatting with Jimin who was making a fuss just because Yoongi and Cyra decided to team up against him and watch a horror movie... despite knowing that Jimin would rather die than watching something scary...even if it's kids horror movie..but no one needs to know that

Taehyung was typing in a ' Stop being dramatic and sleep' when the door to the bathroom opened as Jungkook walked out...

Taehyung felt his throat go dry at the mere sight of his fiance in a grey sweatpants with his abs on display...and wet hair sticking to his forehead as he tried to dry them with a towel

Taehyung's wandering brown orbs came to a halt on Jungkook's tattoo on his shoulder...The beautiful sunflower tattoo never failed to send a sense of pride and belonging everytime Taehyung looks at it....

' Take a picture pup.. that will last long' Jungkook chuckled as he wore a t-shirt

' That's too old of a pick up line Kook...you need to catch up with the trend' Taehyung stood up winking before walking out of the room...his pinky hooking onto Jungkook's for a mere second on his way out

Jungkook chuckled following Tae out and saw him sliding the glass door before getting out into the balcony

' Then what's the latest trend?' Jungkook asked wrapping an arm around Taehyung from behind

' Shouldn't you find it on your own?' Taehyung leaned back.. nuzzling into his safe place

' Just say you don't know Kim... that won't hurt' Jungkook laughed...his airy chuckles sounding like heaven to the younger who turned around in his hold

' Then shall I say something which I know?' Taehyung snaked his arms around Jungkook's neck..his breath hitting on the elder's button nose

' I'll tease you if it comes out to be something stupid like we used to do in highschool' Jungkook playfully bopped their nose

' You were the stupid one in high school' Taehyung rolled his eyes

' Ofcourse' Jungkook snorted ' My baby is the only one with such a sexy brain'

' Hyung!' Taehyung whined.. both of them laughing... It's moments like these that makes Jungkook wish if there was some force out there which could actually stop time...for he would do anything to see his Taehyung this happy and carefree

' What were you gonna say' Jungkook asked.. softly tucking a strand of hair behind Tae's ear

' About what you said in the evening' Taehyung smiled ' Let's get married...I can't wait any longer'

Jungkook froze...his eyes automatically brimming with tears as he parted his lips to say something but words betrayed him... It's true that they were officially engaged...and were planning to get married..but...that was in some point in the future...and when Jungkook..after their steamy love making kept forward his wish to marry Taehyung...he never expected the younger to agree to that this soon

Taehyung's soft hands came up... cupping his cheeks..as he left a quick peck on his lips ' You can decide the date...a small function with hyungs and our daughter will be more than enough....I love you'

Jungkook pulled the younger closer... burying his head into the crook of his neck ' I love you.... I love you so much my Inara...I-' He pulled back..his cheeks all wet 'I- we..we will decide the date... anything is fine with me as long as you are happy...I can't tell you how happy I am'

Taehyung laughed seeing Jungkook's state ' My stupid bunny'

Jungkook wanted to roll his eyes and protest but all he could do at the moment was kiss his fiance like no tomorrow

|| Heartstrings || TaekookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang