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The whole University was in chaos...it was finally the Graduation day...and after the ceremony will be the College fest....

The graduating students were already in the auditorium.....ready to get their certificates while the rest of them prepared for their performances and some others helped in the decoration...

But no matter in which of the above category it was... everyone had a common topic to discuss and that was nothing other that about Taehyung and Jungkook

The tension between them was never hidden..but the events happening recently with the kings and Taehyung was really something worth of attention.... The whole group was in havoc..... Hobi and Jimin could be seen roaming around with Taehyung with the three of them leaving as soon as the classes are over... then there is Jin and Namjoon... always appearing with furrowed brows....then Yoongi.... about whom no one has any idea about.. man could be found lurking around with a headset or just in some music rooms.. writing something...there are even days on which no one even gets to see him and then the Jeon Jungkook....who looks as if he is walking on egg shells... way too alert....his face stoic... never talking to anyone.. always alone....

But what beat all these was the recent fight between Taehyung and Jungkook in the middle of the university where both of them unknowingly claimed that they once were in love....the video of which was spreading like fire in the university students' page...which was further fueled up by Jungkook's argument with Prof Choi and his revelation of how he basically owns the whole university....

Even in the middle of these hot and interesting interactions no one failed to notice the subtle glances both Taehyung and Jungkook steals of each other...when the other one is not looking... No one failed to notice the shine in Jungkook's eyes everytime he sees Taehyung nor the relief on Taehyung's face every time he sees Jungkook

And amidst all these the Kings tried to keep their loved ones safe... just like how now Jimin was on his way to keep his promise to Taehyung.... Two days ago when Taehyung came to him asking for that favor...what Jimin didn't expect was Taehyung to turn out to be Jungkook's neighbor...nor the fact that he was finally going to show himself in front of Jungkook during the fest and for that he needed Jimin to do whatever in his power to limit the student access to the participants names to the hosts of the fest only....

Even though Jimin didn't expect that to work fully but promising a whole day to be pampered by his very dear cousin Eunwoo worked...and the plan was successfully set off.... because we all know how Eunwoo's charms and the label of being their senior can work wonders

But currently Jimin was running all over the university in search of Jungkook.....at first not seeing the said boy was a relief since the chances of him knowing about Taehyung's performance will be low..but since the graduation is already over and the performances already started not finding Jungkook anywhere was concerning

Jimin was searching in the other wing of the college building which was closed to students because of the fest when someone pulled him by his wrist pushing him inside a room... The door closing behind them...with two arms around his waist and a pair of lips on his neck..

' Yoongi' Jimin breathed out.... throwing his head back...his fingers interlacing with the elder's hair

' Where were you?' Yoongi asked... raising his head..their bodies pressed against each other's ' I didn't see you when I got my certificate'

'I had some work...' Jimin said...his member hardening with Yoongi's erection rubbing against him ' Hy-hyung not now..'

' What are you upto Jimin' Yoongi stopped every single of his movements ' I have been noticing you for a long while now'

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