"Alright," she turned to leave, but his hand caught hers a bit harder than he intended.

"I am deeply sorry for my disrespectful words. I struggle to find the right words when I am in this state of overwhelming emotions," his grip softened as he tenderly held her fingers, seeking forgiveness.

"What state are you referring to?" she asked, feeling both curious and unsettled.

"Oh, mi hada (my fairy), you have no concept of the effect you have on me," he thought, his thoughts getting lost in the depth of her mesmerizing eyes.

"Maestra, dance with me, for my uncle lacks the courage to ask you himself," came the charming Jeremiah, gracefully bowing before Maribel and extending his hand to take hers away from his uncle's grasp. He placed her hand delicately on his shoulder, one hand resting on her waist, the other tenderly clasping her other hand. Slowly, he led her in a gentle dance, guiding her movements with subtle gestures. She couldn't help but smile at his chivalry.



Robert's POV

Being the bodyguard of Maya has been tough since day one, as the princess loves to break the rules. But I don't really mind her carefree attitude, and I've used everything I've got to teach her respect and humility. And you know what? She turned out just fine!

The mistakes she made were because she trusted the wrong person. But when she announced her engagement with someone who isn't very popular in the media, it somehow put my mind at ease. Although I will never let her be alone, as I see it as my responsibility to take care of her until the end. 

You might think that I am in love with her, and yes, I am. But not in the romantic kind of way between a man and a woman. My love for her is more like that of a protector, a big brother. This stems from a past experience where I had a girl die in my arms, despite my best efforts to save her. I should have protected her better, but unfortunately, I was too late and the damage had already been done. 

Ever since that moment, I have made a promise to myself to save every girl who finds herself in difficulties.

Knowing that my bird was in safe hands, for the moment, I stepped outside the building just as the gala turned into a dance fight. It was quite a scene!

 I noticed two men trying to forcefully put a girl into their car. She was screaming for help, but everyone else seemed too busy to do anything. 

Those cowards may have been big and strong, but they were no match for me. I quickly grabbed one of them and threw him to the ground, only to find out that they were actually twins. The one on the ground had a striking resemblance to the other one! 

The poor girl sat on the ground, holding her knees and crying. It made me so angry to see the monsters who had hurt her. I felt an intense rage and knew that only bloody Mary could save them from my wrath. Thankfully, the loud classic music was playing, drowning out the commotion and ensuring that nobody inside witnessed what I did to those guys.

Once I was sure that they were incapacitated, I gently picked up the girl who seemed like an angel curled up on the pavement. I carried her inside and my heart ached as I heard her painful whispers. I found a room and settled her on the sofa without caring who lived there. Determined to help her, I went to a small fridge, grabbed a bottle of water, and kneeled before her. She was still quite shaken and closed off from the world, like a turtle in its shell.

"Señorita, please take a sip of water," I softly implored, yet she persisted in her chanting.

"I apologize, but I cannot comprehend your words. Are you perhaps from a distant land? From Europe, perchance? Maybe from enchanting France?

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