CHAPTER - 1 Ohm & Two

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He sighs again as his cell phone has already vibrated for the 30th time since he went in for a drink with his colleagues and supervisor.

--Look, it's calling again, it's already the 30th call,, the two muttered again, along with offering a cell phone to friends and supervisors.

--I think it's good that you answer his phone a little. Tell him what you're doing, so he won't call you again, Din said, sighing.

--Then excuse me, I'll answer the phone for a moment, Two answered, getting up and walking out to the front of the pub where people can smoke.

Two doesn't care who smokes standing up.

He just found a quiet place to talk on the phone. Two pressed to answer the call of the girl who was calling again.

--How are you Som? Two replied

He then heard a woman's screams until he had to pull his cell phone away from his own ears.

--Ohh.., let me talk, Two said in an annoyed voice.

But the girl continued to scream non-stop. With the stick that came out.

--Som..., Two yelled in a harsh voice until the girl fell silent.

--I think you are forgetful, I told you that today I have to drink with the supervisor. After all, we have to meet the day after tomorrow. Why don't you understand? Two asked back, the girl didn't seem to be listening.

Depressed, the young woman asked to speak to Two's supervisor to prove that they were really together.

--Som, I think you crossed your hair too much. How are you going to yell at me? I don't care, but you shouldn't mess with my supervisor. Two replied.

Unsatisfied, the girl still didn't believe she was with her supervisor...still yelling those two lies until Two couldn't take it anymore.

--I, I think you and I cannot go together. I think it would be better if we split up. Go find someone who has time for you. and to listen to you in all matters, Two said ending the call.

He turned off his phone knowing that the girl would definitely call again. He quieted his mind for a moment before he was back into the pub not caring who was watching because Two knew the person smoking must have heard him talking on the phone right now

Ohm. he had come to stand and smoke at the corner of the building.

//Seeing this, it's better to be alone// Ohm joked to himself as he heard Two say every word as he leaned against the corner of the wall next to Ohm.

Ohm heard the young woman's voice and understood some of the words. Ohm smoked two cigarettes and turned around.

Ohm also enters the pub, and his eyes remain fixed on the person who had just talked on the phone. She was sitting at the table, not far from him, but he could not see the face clearly, so he continued to sit and drink with his friends.

--Brother, can I get your phone number? shouted a young man's voice.

It made Ohm raise his eyebrows slightly, because if he's not mistaken this young man should be a high school student...but still can't enter this pub. Ohm waited for someone to come and take him safely inside.

--Oh, you're as charming as ever, friend Mew smiled.

--Yes, answered Ohm because he didn't have a girlfriend anyway and he thought it wouldn't hurt to talk to the young man, so he allowed the young man to come and invited him to stay together.

Ohm sits and talks with the young man, admires his courage to ask for his address.

Of course, even if he is playing with the Ohm boy, he didn't think of sleeping with the young man... Because he was still not sure that he was 18 years old, even if it is fun without being legal.. He didn't want to take them on minors. When it's time for the pub to close, it's home delivery only.

Nan & Mac Book 2 (Love Syndrome)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang