When Doves Cry

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When you got off work you went straight to the grocery store to buy a few ingredients then b-lined it for your apartment.

 You had been pondering for the rest of your shift on what to make. You wanted to make something casual, delicious but didn't take too long, and ultimately decided on a cinnamon coffee cake. 

When you got home you popped on some tunes and got baking, something you loved to do but rarely made time for. You were in a great mood, you weren't usually a fan of spontaneous invitations to social events but this was obviously an exception. 

You swayed in the kitchen dancing to the Prince song playing in the background as you prepped and mixed the ingredients. 

You pulled the coffee cake out of the oven, set it aside to cool and hopped in the shower, which you savored. You stood in front of your closet in your bathrobe while towel drying your hair and stewed about what to wear. 

Egon said it was casual.. How casual though? He seemed to always wear some variation of a sweater vest and tie. You opted for a pair of high waisted blue jeans and a black turtleneck, holding it in front of you in the mirror, questioning yourself. You wondered what Egon would think, you'd never worn jeans around him before. 


 Now you were taking him into consideration when you got dressed!? You were way overthinking this. You felt like a teenager again but in a way... it was a lot of fun. You hadn't had a crush like this in years, sure it was anxiety inducing but it also made life a bit more exciting. Having someone to look forward to. 

You finished your hair and added the finishing touches to your makeup. You'd decided tonight you'd try to be a bit more bold and flirtatious, or that's what you told yourself at least. It was obvious Egon was oblivious and was slightly socially inept so you had to take the lead. You didn't think he liked you, but how would you know if you didn't turn up the heat a little? This was much easier said than done though, you instantly got so shy and flustered around him, but hopefully whatever drink Dana brings could give you a liiiittle liquid courage. 

You threw on your usual black trench coat, along with a pair of black lace up shoes and a big scarf, grabbed the coffee cake, and out you went.

When you arrived you just opened the door and walked in, and saw Janine standing by the front desk. 

"Hi Janine!," you called.

 "Oh Y/n hiii," she said, "I was just putting away a few papers, everyones upstairs." she said, gesturing for you to follow. 

"Feel free to put your coat anywhere, Guys, Y/n is here." 

"Heyy!" everyone said warmly. You briefly made eye contact with Egon who smiled at you before immediately looking away again. 

"Y/n you made it and you even brought a treat! How thoughtful." Peter said, standing up and slightly angling his body in Egon's direction. He relieved you of the tray, setting it aside for later. You unraveled your scarf and took off your coat, revealing the unfamiliar sight of you in jeans, which Peter made sure to mention. 

"And as promised, this is Dana, part demon dog part girlfriend," 

"You have to stop introducing me like that Peter. Nice to meet you Y/n, I've heard a lot about you from everyone." 

"Oh really? Should I be worried?" you said, chuckling. 

"Only good things. And from one of them in particular," She said quietly, eyeing Egon from the corner of her eye. You looked to Peter, who was now fake whistling and acting like he hadn't told Dana anything. 

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