Weird Science

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You continue to put away books when the library administrator comes up to you. "Excuse me, Miss L/N, I'm sure you've heard about today's events,"

"Oh yes the gho-" 

he cuts you off. "I want to keep this as quiet as we can. Anyways, we are currently waiting on a few men from Columbia to take care of the.... Issue. If you see them will you please let me know?" 

You peeked your head from around the shelf and saw that two more men had joined Dr. Spengler. 

"Mr. Delacorte, I think they're here," you say gesturing towards them. 

"Oh perfect," Mr. Delacorte says as he rushes off towards them. You glance around then slowly start to walk in their direction. He hurried them into his office and you followed. 

You did not want to miss this. 

You quietly walk in not to draw attention to yourself to see Alice on a table with multiple people standing around including the three men, one of which was asking her questions. 

"Are you habitually using drugs, stimulants, alcohol?" 

"No!" Alice said defensively. 

"Just asking. Are you, Alice, menstruating right now?"

"What's that got to do with it," you mutter under your breath.

Suddenly Spengler rushes past you, startling you. 

"Ray, it's moving!" He gestures for the other men to follow and they all rush past, the last man, you think his name was Venkman, slightly bumping into you.

"Is this for real?" you think to yourself. You have to find out. You turn to see them going down to the stairs to the basement and you sneak after them, not wanting to be caught. Hiding behind book shelves you slowly move with them. 

Spengler is leading the group, his eyes glued to some sort of device when they come across a stack of books standing over 6ft tall. Venkman cracks a joke and you get the feeling he's been dragged into this and is not convinced. 

You're in the same boat. Sure it's a little weird but it is far from impossible, maybe some students got bored and decided to play a prank. 

You tiptoe after them as they move on and come across the filing system. 

"Talk about telekinetic activity, look at this mess!" Stantz exclaims excitedly. 

You peek around the corner and your jaw drops. 

All of the drawers are open with papers strewn all over the place and everything is covered in some sort of clear slime. You can't help but let out a gasp as you think about how much work it's going to take you to clean this up and redo the filing. 

You cover your mouth realizing your mistake. 

Nothing happens. Maybe they didn't hear you? Maybe you're in the clear. 

You slowly start to peek around the corner where the three had been nervously inching towards you. As you peek out, they all jump, startled, bumping into each other. You've been caught.

 "Damn, I thought it was the ghost but it's just a human," Stantz says, dejected. 

You peek from around the shelf shamefully then walk towards them. "Sorry about that.." you squeak awkwardly. 

"Oh Miss L/N it's you," Spengler says, Venkman and Stantz turning to look at eachother. 

"You two have met?" Venkman asks not even attempting to hide the surprise in his voice. 

"She's a librarian here, I was discussing the incident with them before you arrived." 

You step towards the filing cabinet not able to hide the disgust and disappointment in your face. "What is this stuff anyways??" 

"Ectoplasmic residue," chimes Stantz. 

"You wouldn't happen to know how to clean it would you?" you joke. 

"Aren't you a little young to be a librarian," adds Venkman, a joke you've heard many times and wasn't even funny the first time. 

"Aren't you a bit old to be hunting ghosts," you spit back, "Touche." Venkman replies. 

"Anyways," Spengler interrupts, "I really think it's best if you return upstairs and let us handle this. We have no idea what we're going to find down here." he says, glancing at you. 

"I agree, the last thing we need is another civilian scared senseless." says Stantz. 

You comply. "Alright. It was fun while it lasted," you giggle glancing over to Spengler when you awkwardly make eye contact. 

"Good luck." You quickly glance away and head back up the stairs.

You are a bit disappointed, you were hoping to actually see a ghost. You're still not convinced they're even real, but you suppose that after cleaning up the residue you will have had your fill of ghosts. 

You had just walked to your cart to continue your work when you hear a loud, definitely inhuman roar followed by yells and the three scientists running up the stairs and out of the library like bats out of hell. 

So much for keeping this quiet. 

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