They weren't looking at each other as they continued walking in the store. It would make things more awkward for Angel and horribly emotional for Rea. So, she avoided looking at him.

"I told you already. You always want to leave and then we have to leave. Or you're mean to my friends."

Rea nodded her head in understanding, before tilting her head.

"Can I tell you why?" Her voice broke a little but she only continued looking through the rack.

She realized that, just like she had chosen to have Heeseung read her like an open book, quite literally, she was supposed to do the same with her brother.


"Since we were kids, you would always choose your friends over me. You would go out with them and even stupid things like, letting them in your room. You never let me. And it's stupid, because I know we were kids, but... I just always felt like you pushed me to the side. In middle school and even in high school. That's why in college, I avoided chasing you, or hanging around you in general."

She somehow felt guilty saying those words out loud.

Angel quietly listened to her..

"And there were times, where I felt like- like I was supposed to look for you, and ask you for help, but because I felt like you would push me away, I never did. I hated you, sometimes." She admitted in almost a whisper, as she felt the lump in her throat grow and the tears threaten to spill.

Angel felt tears in his eyes too, and he tried blinking them away as he looked up at the ceiling.

"I-I'm sorry."

"It's okay. We didn't know better. I probably have a lot of things to apologize to you about too."

"I never meant to push you away. I love you more than anything in this world."

"Ew." She chuckled through her tears, making him smile too.

Rea felt his arms wrap around her shoulders in a hug and she contained her sobs.

"Why are we doing this in the middle of a store?" She cried making Angel laugh through his own tears.

"It's okay, the French don't know who we are."

"I love you too, Angel."

"I guess the twin bonding trip is bonding now."

She smiled softly at his words as she caressed his forearm, before he let her go and wiped his tears.

Rea finally turned to face him as she reached to wipe her tears but her hands were full with clothes.

Angel smiled in amusement as he wiped her tears for her, making her chuckle again.

"Let's actually get to know each other better. Not just petty things that we know since we were children. I love drinking, especially red wine. I don't drink white wine as much anymore. And I partied a lot in college, I went wild."  She informed in a list form, thinking of other things to say.

"I went shopping a lot with friends. I've only dated Josh before. I hate blue cheese now. My favorite food is not Aioli pasta anymore, and now it's buttered lobster. I love archaeology more than I did when I was younger."

Angel nodded his head as he took in the new information.

"I'm very sensitive to words, especially yours. I-I was very depressed throughout my sophomore year of college, due to some circumstances. I read a lot of romance books, and sometimes I'd use your jeans thinking I looked good in them whenever you didn't come back from college during breaks." She continued before thinking again. "I think that's all that I can tell you. We'll figure everything out as we go."

Race To Your Heart |Lee Heeseung|Where stories live. Discover now