₊ ⊹ ☆ Part Three ☆⊹ ₊

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Maria's pov.

I'm not sure why, but ever since I started to sip on the drink I was given, I've been super dizzy, and less alert of my surroundings. I try to stay near Enzo, but he suggests I just go dance it off.

Maybe he's right? Maybe it's just me being dizzy.

But the dizziness just gets worse. And all of a sudden, this guy I've never seen before, comes over to me. He isn't flirting though..

"Maria, right?"

He asks. His voice was raspy and sounded like he's smoked for years.

I say as I look him up and down. He's not attractive at all. He looks way too old to be at a party.

Before I can say anything else, there's a cloth on my face, and I'm being dragged into the other room.

I squirm, but nothing works.

I can't scream, and the world outside gets dark. My vision gets all blurry, and fades into darkness.

I'm weak.

And I'm hopeless.


I wake up, and I can't move at all. I can't see anything either, but a bit of pink. Most likely a pink blindfold. I squirm a bit, and feel the cold metal on my wrists and ankles, as well as my neck.

I'm chained, and blindfolded.

I squirm a bit more. The chains now making noise and rattling.

"Quit squirming. It won't do anything, sweetheart."

A deep voice says with a low chuckle. The voice would be attractive if it wasn't telling me to stop struggling in restraints.

"Where am I.. who are you..?"

I say hesitantly, in almost a whisper. My voice so shaky and scared from what situation I could be in.

"My house, and someone you'll learn later."

He replied firmly. My whole body shook. I didn't like this. Not a single bit.

"Good to know you're awake though. The vial was quite strong."

He said smugly. If I could see him, I bet you he would have a stupid smirk on his face.

"Can I get this neck thing off? Please? It's hard to breathe.."

I whispered. I wasn't lying either. The neck chain was so tight against my skin that it was getting harder to breathe with it on.

"If I give you food, will you eat it?"

He slipped off the blindfold. The room I was in was a cold basement like area. It was small. Like it was made for a single person to be trapped in.

"I'm starving.. so.. most likely.. even though I shouldn't.."

I replied. I saw him reach over and snap the neck chain open. I could breathe.

I gasp for air, and cough a few times, then try to sit up, but I can't due to the wrist ties. Everything was so cold. The room itself, then bed I was laid on, the chains, it all made me shiver.

"Indeed, you shouldn't be eating food from someone who kidnapped you, but I can assure you that it's not drugged. I may have taken you, but I'm not going to starve you."

For some reason, I believe him. This isn't the man that put the cloth on my mouth. This man is younger. More fit, and his voice is more comforting.

He loosened the wrist chains enough that I could sit up, but my arms still weren't free.

"How am I going to eat if I don't have my hands?"

I realize my voice sounds snarky with how quick I said it. I shut my mouth so quickly, worried that he'll get mad at my attitude.

"I'll feed you. But please be less aggressive with me, dear."

He.. was calm? He didn't get mad for my snarky comment? And.. he was going to feed me.

"Why are you so nice..? I thought kidnappers were all, starving, raping, torture-"

Before I could finish my statement, a spoonful of soup was slipped between my lips.

"Because I didn't kidnap you to kill you or gain information. But the reason I did, I can't say, I'm afraid."

He said with a small frown. It's like he wanted to tell me, but couldn't.

"Can I know your name?"

I ask before eating another spoonful of the soup he feeds me.

"Nic. My name is Nic."

He said with a slight smile.


I repeat. He didn't look like a Nic. Nic was more for a.. nicer guy. He.. wasn't the nicest guy so far.. but his eyes seem.. so similar.. as if I've looked into them before, and his name is familiar too? But I can't think of it.

"Just call me Nic. It's short for my actual name."
He chuckled before feeding me again. I can't lie, the soup was good.. it was well made, and had all the right flavours to it..

I didn't even know what to say.

Something was screaming at me, to not believe anything, and try and escape back to Enzo.

But the chains wouldn't let me.

But.. atleast Nic was gentle.. right..?

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