Request ✎ Draco Malfoy [002]

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"Thanks for helping," she said, finally standing up and holding the stack of books he handed back to her. Draco nodded, his usual aloofness slowly returning. "Just... watch where you're going next time."

The girl chuckled softly, nodding in agreement, and as she turned to leave the library, she couldn't shake off the surprising encounter. Draco Malfoy, the last person she'd have expected to apologize, had just caught her completely off guard.
After their unexpected encounter in the library, y/n found herself contemplating the newfound change in Draco's character. As days passed, occasional nods and small smiles were exchanged in the corridors, a subtle acknowledgment of their shared moment of reconciliation. The air between them seemed lighter, carrying an unspoken understanding.

One breezy afternoon, she found herself sitting by the edge of the Hogwarts lake, a picturesque setting with the water glistening in the sunlight. Engrossed in a book, she heard footsteps approaching. Glancing up, she noticed Draco strolling towards the lake.

"Mind if I join you?" Draco asked, surprising y/n, who nodded in response, slightly taken aback by the unexpected company. "Sure, I guess," she replied, shifting slightly to make room. Draco sat down, a comfortable silence settling between them. The gentle lapping of the water against the shore accompanied their quietude. "So, what are you reading?" Draco inquired, breaking the silence with genuine curiosity. She held up the book, a slight smile gracing her lips. "It's about the history of Hogwarts. Fascinating stuff, really." 

"Mind if I take a look?" Draco leaned in, genuinely interested. "Sure," y/n replied, passing the book to him. As Draco flipped through the pages, they started discussing various secrets about the castle. "You know," y/n began, gazing across the lake, "there were times when I'd just wander around the castle, exploring hidden corners and secret passageways." Draco raised an eyebrow, a faint smirk forming. "Ah, the castle's mysteries. Hogwarts has its way of keeping secrets."

They exchanged stories about peculiar encounters in the castle, whispering hallways, and unexpected places within Hogwarts. "I found this hidden courtyard by accident once," y/n shared, a hint of excitement in her voice. "It was like stepping into a secluded sanctuary, away from everything." Draco's interest was piqued. "I think I might know the one. The roses there bloom all year round. "Her eyes widened in surprise. "You've been there too?" Draco nodded, a touch of amusement in his tone. "It's a well-kept secret, or at least it was until now."

"It's funny," she remarked, "how Hogwarts manages to bring us together despite everything else." Draco hesitated for a moment, his usual guardedness briefly softening. "Yeah, it does have that effect."

Amidst their conversation, Draco hesitated for a moment, his usual demeanor briefly faltering. "I never really had the chance to properly apologize for all the things I said and did in the past. I was... I was awful. "The girl looked at him, sensing the sincerity in his voice. "I appreciate that, Draco. I see you're trying to change." The atmosphere between them felt surprisingly open, a stark contrast to their previous interactions.

As the sun started to set, casting a warm glow over the lake, they both realized how much time had passed. "I should probably head back," y/n said, collecting her belongings.

Draco nodded, a genuine smile gracing his lips. "Thanks for the chat. It was... different."She returned the smile, feeling a sense of newfound connection. "Yeah, it was. In a good way." They stood up, walking back towards the castle together, the air lighter and their steps carrying a newfound ease in each other's company.

As y/n and Draco navigated their rekindling connection, a crucial question remained unanswered. In the secluded serenity by the lake, away from the watchful eyes of her friends, y/n broached the subject that had lingered in her curiosity. She ventured, "there's something I've been curious about for a while." He cast a furtive glance, a subtle tension in his eyes. "What is it?" She hesitated, her thoughts carefully gathering. "Why did you suddenly put an end to the insults a year ago?" Draco averted his gaze. "It's complicated." Leaning in, y/n pressed, concern across her features. "What do you mean?" With a deep breath, Draco spoke, his voice just above a whisper. "Our families... they made an arrangement." Her eyes widened. "An arrangement?" Draco nodded, his eyes fixed on the rippling lake. "They planned a marriage between us. It was decided long ago."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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