LETTER 6: Dumbledore

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If you're getting this letter, your student, Lyra Black has committed suicide.

Weapon: Large kitchen knife

Time: 5: 30am

Body was found in Slytherin common room by Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy. 

Dear Professor Dumbledore, 

As you have no doubt been informed about, I'm dead! Or, I guess, I killed myself. Since you're so 'wise and awesome', you probably saw it coming. You probably decided to do nothing about it because it's 'for the greater good'. Well, I wrote this letter to you, to tell you how you could have avoided this all. 

You were the 'greatest headmaster of all time'. The 'kindest', yeah? All the books, and stories seem to leave out the biased part. You smiled and clapped for me, just like you would anyone else, until the hat scream 'Slytherin'. Then your smile dropped and the twinkle in your eyes stopped. (Oh my God that rhymes!) I walked to the Slytherin table, a small smile on my face, excited to be in the sly and cunning house. My cousin was sorted into the same house. You never talked to me in my first year. You ignored my very existence, not that I mind now, but at the time I was hurt and confused. 

At the end of my first year, Slytherin had won the House Cup. We were happy, until you decided to award Gryffindor points for playing chess. It was like you wanted us Slytherins to lose. At least you ignored the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws instead of doing the same to them. 

In my second year, pretty much the same thing happened. When the teacher ran in, saying 'troll in the dungeon' you still made all of us Slytherins go there. You were pretty much trying to kill us off. I don't understand why you hated us so much.

After my third year, you knew about my Dad living with me. You knew about him ignoring me and you knew about how it was making me feel. But you didn't care. Maybe it was because I was a Slytherin, or maybe you just didn't like me, but you let me feel alone and scared. You probably covered it up with the whole 'I can't mess with what's supposed to happen.' 

You said about how you cared for your students; I think you meant the Gryffindors. Those were the only pupils that you cared about. You turned a blind eye to all the Slytherin's suffering, while making sure the Gryffindors lived in luxury. 

I'm sure you noticed me hurting, and I'm sure you didn't care. You were supposed to look after all your students, not just your favourite ones. You knew what Sirius was doing, and you decided to do nothing about it. I'm sure you knew about Harry and Hermione saying horrible things to me, and I'm sure you made up some bullcrap about it being 'for the greater good'. 

I even went to you for help, and you ignored me. I pleaded, I hoped you could help me from the suicidal thoughts swirling in my mind, but again, you did dog sh*t. I asked for your help, and you turned me down. You made sure I knew that you didn't give a shit. You made it clear that I deserved all the crap that went after me. 

I want you to know, that you're not as great as you think you are. But that's fine, everyone makes mistakes. Just, if you finally decide to give a crap, pay more attention to the Slytherins, they deserve your help just as much as anyone else. They aren't all bad. 

I hope you decide to help people more, instead of just observing. 

Kind regards, 

Lyra Weasley-Diggory 


Okay, Okay, I'm sorry. I haven't updated in a while because Wattpad woudn't let me edit this chapter. I'm not too sure on this chapter, and I'm sorry if it's bad, I just wanted to communicate how Lyra felt about Dumbledick. 

Thank you for everyone whose reading and voting! 

It means a lot to me! 

Thank you for your suggestions, I will try to write them <3. 

All my love, Finn Wilson (Deadpool's Daughter) 

PS: Opinion on Dumbledore? 
I don't like him, I think it's wrong of him to keep sending CHILDREN into war. And as a proud Slytherin, he needs to stop favouring the Gryffindors. 

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