Letter 1: Reaction

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A snowy white owl flies through my window. I smile at it and take the letter off it's leg. It reminded me of Harry's owl. I see the letters from Lyra and I smile slightly. It's always so lonely at Grimmauld...The first words of the letter shook me to my core:

'If your getting this letter, your daughter, Lyra Black has committed suicide.'

I froze, tears in my eyes. No, no, no... It's a prank, from those bloody Weasley twins, right? I shake my head and keep reading. 

'Dear Sirius, if you're reading this, I guess I'm dead now.'

I shake my head again. No, she's gone? Surely not, right? I force myself to keep reading, ignoring the knife digging into my heart with each perfectly written letter . I can hear her voice whispering the words into my ear. Wet spots appeared on the paper, falling like rain. I didn't even notice I was crying. 

'I told you I was in Slytherin and you turned away, suddenly cold 'Why can't you be more like Harry?' You has asked' 

Her voice echoes in my head, and the harsh reality that in my head was the only place I'd ever hear it again hits me. I start to sob, the noise shattering the silence like glass. I take deep breaths, and keep reading the last thing I have of my daughter. 

'I turned and walked away, I learnt that you would never know I loved Cedric.' 

The tears ran down my face like rivers. I never thought I was such a bad Dad. I didn't even notice that the love of her life died. At least she was with him now. 

'I was left alone at Christmas, at my own house. I looked under the tree and there were about 20 presents! I looked at the names, and all expect 3 were for Harry. One was from Harry to you, one was from me to you and one was from Molly Weasley to me.'

My heart ached for my daughter. I never knew it affected her so much. I was horrible, I ruined her life. She would have been better without me. Why didn't she speak to me? I could have made it better.  My thought swirled in my head as I heard my daughter whisper in my ears. 

'I tried to speak to you, to form a connection, but you always left. You acted like I meant nothing to you, and then got mad when I didn't speak to you.'

My breath hitches in my throat. I trapped her. I put her in an unhealthy relationship... I'm, so, so, so sorry Lyra.

I close my eye and take deep breaths before reading the letter again. I could feel the pain radiating off the letter. I should have been better. My breathing quickened. I could have helped her. 

'You never took the time to get to know me. You don't even know my music type, or my birthday. It hurt that you forgot my birthday but threw a party for Harry. I'm not a jealous person usually, but you were acting like Harry was your kid, not me.' 

My heart thundered in my chest. I might as well have killed her. I curled up into a ball, crying. I can't breathe. Just like your daughter. A evil voice hissed in my ear.

'I was starting to wonder if you hated me, or if I was never good enough for you. You were always comparing me to Harry, pointing out how he is better then me.'

 My vision starts to go black, I can't breathe, I can't breathe. I see a shadow come up to me. I look up at Remus, trying to calm down my breathing. 
"Shhh, Pads, it's okay, breath with me, yeah? In one two, three... Out one, two, three" he whispers to me. I slowly match his breathing, calming down. He gently kisses me and I kiss back. 
"S-sorry Moons" I say, calming down. Remus looks at me. 
"What's wrong?" he asked my gently, I pick up the letter from Lyra and keep reading it, with Remus reading over my shoulder. I hear him let out a gasp and a small sob escapes my throat. Remus wraps his arms around my, whispering sweet nothings in my ear as I finish reading the letter. 

'I hope you know that you know you played a main part in my suicide and right before I killed myself, I legally changed my name to Lyra Weasley-Diggory. After my boyfriend you never knew about and the only people who treated me like family.

I hope you feel guilty, but also have a good life. You mean a lot to me, even if you hurt me. I'm not mad anymore. 

Kind regards, 

Lyra Weasley-Diggory.'

I look at Remus, who pulled me in for a hug. 
"She changed her name, Remmie, she changed her name" I shudder against him as Remus whispers things I can't hear in my ear. "I'm worse than my parents ever were" I cry. I can feel Remus crying as well, holding me close. I start to fall asleep, my last thought before sleep was: at least it wasn't Harry.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed as always, sorry I am writing another story as well (a Fred and George fanfic) and that's why there are slow updates. Constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcome and I would love to hear any ideas you guys have. Sorry that the chapter's short.

Sorry (not sorry) about the Wolfstar, but they are SO CUTE.

Just remember, YOU are (K)ENOUGH!

Love, Finn Wilson, Deadpool's Daughter. 

PS: Who's your favourite Marauder? I couldn't choose just one! 

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