LETTER 2: Reaction

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I sat in the Gryffindor common room, Professor McGonagall had just told us about a certain Slytherin's death. Tears were running down my face, as Harry and Ron sat on either side of me. We all had tears, but it hit Ron and I the hardest. Ron, because Lyra was like family to him, and I, because Lyra was my best friend for a while. We sat there, offering soft 'are you okay?'s that we all knew the answer to.. I know I shouldn't be sad, after what she did, but, I miss her.  I missed her before as well. I shake my head and take deep breaths, trying to calm myself.... I'm not supposed to like her anymore, she hurt me. 

I see a midnight black barn owl carrying three letters. It dropped one in front of me, Ron and Harry. We look at each other, we weren't expecting another letter from Lyra's owl. Hope swelled in my heart, maybe it was a joke and she was still alive? I eagerly tear open the letter (well, making sure I don't damage the letter (or envelope)). I pull out the letter and read it. 

'If you're getting this letter, your old friend, Lyra Black has committed suicide. 

Weapon: Large Kitchen knife. 

Time: 5:30am

Body was found in Slytherin common room by Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy.'

I froze. I already knew she was dead, but suicide? She ended her life? Tears didn't dare leave my eyes as I read on. 

'Dear Hermione, As you probably knew, I'm dead now. I wrote this letter to tell you how you helped plunge the knife into my heart, to kill me.'

I put a hand over my mouth, trying to stifle my sobs. I made her do this? I-I didn't mean to... 

No, snap out of it 'Mione, she hurt you first, she deserved it... Not to die, but... Y'know. 

'I remember the first day we met, both of us trying to find our way into the platform. I remember grabbing your hand running through the wall. I remember sitting together, laughing together.' 

I feel myself get sucked back into the past. 

'A little girl with frizzy brown hair and buck teeth was looking around the platform, trying to figure out how to enter platform '9 3/4'. She looked around and spotted a tall girl about her age. The girl had stunning shoulder length black hair that was slightly curled. Her eyes were a stormy grey with blue swirls and she wore a punk t-shirt with black ripped jeans. The frizzy haired girl looks down at her collared white t-shirt and shirt and blushes in embarrassment. The black haired girl walks up to her. 

"Hey! I'm Lyra Black, nice to meet you..." Lyra Black says, waiting for the frizzy haired girls name. She smiles warmly. 

"I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger" Hermione replies. Lyra smiles before looking at Hermione. 

"You're not a muggle, right?" she asks carefully. Hermione laughs softly and shakes her head. "Good!" Lyra says happily. She takes Hermione's hand and runs in-between platforms 9 and 10. Hermione screams and Lyra laughs her bark like laugh. They appear on platform 9 3/4 and Hermione gasps. Lyra laughs softly. "Cool, eh?" she asks. Hermione only nods. They push their trolleys and get on the train. Hermione smiles at Lyra. 

"You know, I've already read all the books for this year, how about you?" she asks. Lyra lets out a bark of a laugh. 

"Me? Reading a school book? I'd rather die, 'Mione" Lyra jokes, grinning. Hermione chuckles slightly. 

"'Mione?" Hermione asks Lyra and Lyra nods quickly. 

"Yeah, it's your new nickname, 'cause I claimed you as my best friend!" Lyra replies, grinning. Hermione looks at her shocked, before smiling with her big buck teeth. 

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