LETTER 4: Draco

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If your getting this letter, your friend, Lyra Black has commited suicide. 

Weapon: Large kitchen knife

Time: 5: 30am 

Body was found in Slytherin common room by Blaise Zabini and you. 

4. Dear Draco, 

As you knew, I'm dead.. That feels weird to write... I wrote this letter to inform you how you helped set my death in stone. 

I still remember in first and second year, how you were mean and cold. You blocked everyone out and didn't let anyone be your friend. But I was persistent, I pushed and shoved at your walls until you let me in. When you let me in, I found you were sweet and kind most of the time. I know you'll hate me for saying this, but I knew you were a big softie from the first time I saw you. 

In year three, at 13 you let me be your proper friend, deciding that the Black's blood were pure enough for you. We became close, but you still disliked my Gryffindor friends. Every now and then, you'd put up your walls, become cold and rude. You called my friends horrible names, and they blamed it on me. I know you didn't mean it Dray, but every time you called Hermione a m*dblood, it hurt me too. Everytime you made fun of the Weasley's for being poor, you were making fun of my family too. Listen Draco, I loved you, but I loved my other friends as well. 

When Sirius broke out of Azkaban, you were there for me, holding my hand if I needed it and giving me hug if I wanted. You were perfect, comforting me when Sirius spoke to Harry not me, and even making jokes to lighten the mood. But, then you just left. I didn't get it. You'd disappear halfway through the day and just not come back. I know that it wasn't Death Eater duties, you didn't have your mark yet. You shoved me away, always saying things like 'Go hang out with Saint Potter' or 'Why don't you be a blood tration with the m*dblood'. I missed our talks, but you kept shutting me out. 

The next year, you shut me out even more. Ignoring me, pretending I didn't exist. It hurt me. It made me feel like the scum of the Earth. You became a horrible grey colour and the bags under your eyes darkened with everyday. I missed the Draco who would vent about his stupid Father, and listen to me rant about whatever I wanted. You hurt me by being that sick, I wanted to help you, but you didn't let me. You called me a blood traitor when you weren't ignoring me. Hearing the words out of your mouth, stung. I had told you that you were the only one I had left, and you decided to leave me in the dust. 

Later, we had plans to catch up for Christmas, at mine. I knew that my Dad was rude to you, but he was the same to me. And we decided that it was better for it to be at mine then your house. I saw your owl coming through the window, and excitement flooded through me. I open the letter, your owl flying away before I could give it a treat like usual. I read the messy scrawl, that was oh-so-different from your perfect letters. At the end it had one of your house elves. You made me feel like I wasn't worth your time or effort. Like I was just a nobody, who everyone would be relieved to be rid of. 

You started to talk to me again, before Potter became one of the Champions for Hogwarts. Then you were too busy making badges to hurt Potter, my (god?) brother.  Again, you made me feel small, and stepped on.

You were distant and cold after the last task of the tournament. I needed your warmth and comfort, after my boyfriend had died. I was scared and hurt, but you ignored me. You called me homophobic slurs. Your words stabbed me, when I was in my worst place. It felt like everytime I tried to climb out of my hole of despair, you pushed me back into it, with an evil smile. 

I told you about my plans to try out for the quidditch team the year after and you laughed in my face. It wasn't your warm, soft laugh, but your cold and cruel one. The laugh that said 'what the hell are you thinking, idiot'. The laugh that you put on in front of people other than your friends. The more you pushed me away, the more I feel like ending my life.  

You were always my friend, Draco... No matter what you thought. You could push me away and call me names, but I'd always have that platonic love for you. You meant the world to me. You were my escape from reality, but you closed that door, and left me to brood alone in the darkness.

It hurt me to watch your health get worse and worse. You weren't letting me help you, and it was painful. 

I want you to know that you are amazing, sweet and kind. I know you're a big softie, I know it! 

Stay cool, but open up to Pansy, Blaise and Theo more. Support Crabbe and Goyle, just because they're gay, doesn't mean they are less then you. 

Pans really likes you, give her a chance. 

Don't waste your time on grieving, look forwards. 

I love you, and always remember, it wasn't your fault

 Goodbye, brother. 

With all my left over love, 

Lyra Weasley Diggory.


Hey guyss! 

I'm soooo surprised! People are voting on it 😱.

Your comments make me sooooo happy!

I'm sorry, this was a crappy chapter, but most of them are lol. 

Thanks for reading and voting, it literally made my day. 


Love, Finn Wilson (Deadpool's Daughter) 

PS: What's your opinion of Pansy? 

I think she's kind of like Draco, but girly pop. 

(I need more ideas for questions lol) 

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