Chapter 2: Boomer

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The next few days seemed to be going somewhat smoothly. Having a new baby didn't change much, besides Sam or Ponk having the small blonde cradled into one of their arms almost always. Literally, the creeper man could be sketching one his main projects while holding Tommy in his opposite hand. Ponk has even started wearing a baby strap around the house so he could carry the small boy while he did chores. The kids took notice of this shift and were very jealous of how much attention the new baby was getting from their parents. Sure, their dad assured them that all of them would get the same treatment but there was a power imbalance since Tommy was always in the close vicinity of either him or Ponk. Someone had to put their foot down and soon.

So Quackity called a meeting in his & George's bedroom. His other siblings sat on floor cushions while the duck boy stood beside a small white board.

"I have called everyone here to explain the elephant in the house" started Quackity, as he scribbled a small red figure on the board.

"Tomás! The new baby who is taking all of Dad & Ponk's time and attention" he exclaimed, gesturing to the scribble.

"It needs to be fed a lot, it cries loudly, and they can't leave it alone or they will become very stressed " explained Quackity, as he scribbled more on the board.

"This baby is a creature of chaos and must be stopped. If we can't stop it, then we must get rid of it" he claimed.

"Like Kirby boss" added Hannah.

"Si, like a Kirby boss" nodded Quackity.

"But how though?" asked George, crossing his arms.

"We must study it and try to pin the blame of something on it," said Quackity.

"Like the book shelf in the living room falling!" suggested Hannah, jumping to her feet.

"Or the plant falling in the upstairs office" interjected George, waving his hand.

"How about covering the wall with ink in it's hands prints' ' smirked Quackity, nodding his head.

"What about you Boomer? Do you have any ideas" asked Hannah, with a mischievous look.

"Huh?" hummed the frog boy, looking up from his switch.

"Were you listening at all?" questioned George, lifting a brow.

"I was," nodded Boomer.

"Then do you have any suggestions?" remarked Quackity.

"Not really. I don't see any issue with the new baby" shrugged Boomer, going back to his game

"Why? It's taking all of dad's attention and Ponk hasn't played games with us since he's busy with the baby" exclaimed Hannah, pushing the switch down.

"Babies require attention, guys. They are small and can't do a lot just yet" stated Boomer, rolling his eyes.

"Which is why we must get rid of it, they are taking too much attention" claimed Quackity, crossing his arms.

"Have with that then" sighed Boomer, as moved to stand up.

"Where are you going?" asked the duck boy, his wings flaring up.

"To get a snack, I'm bored" hummed the frog boy, as he headed to the door.

Quackity dramatically sighed before going back to rambling to George and Hannah as Boomer closed the door behind him. He went towards the stairs and jumped on the railing to ride it down. Once on the main floor, he padded into the kitchen. There he found Ponk darting around while muttering about something. He was wearing his head covering and a jacket like he was about to head out somewhere.

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