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After the long hours of Izuku talking to 20 people who he has no interest in, Izuku decided to explore the castle from top to bottom. Soon enough he entered the training ground where all the guards trained. But then he saw a familiar face training with a bunch of people. "Hey um excuse-" the Omega was then stopped by one of the head guards. "Sorry your highness but these are new trainers and shouldn't be distracted what so ever." The guard lead Izuku over to the royal sitting area so he could watch everyone train.

The greenette watched the one person training and couldn't help but giggle each time the person would fuss. "My dear Kacchan~ I promise to do whatever it takes to get you." Izuku was determined to get his beloved back but the question was how? Izuku then rushed over the second they were done training. "Kac- Katsuki!" The blonde turned to see the greenette. "Huh? You again what the hell are you doing here?!" Suddenly the head guard yelled at the taller male. "Katsuki Bakugou! Is that the proper way to speak to the heir?!" Katsuki's eyes widened to hear that but he immediately bowed and apologized which made Izuku blush.

"It's perfectly fine!!! Um can I talk to private!" Katsuki confused agreed. They walked over to the royal garden which the blonde was impressed by as the garden had the most finest flowers and plants. "What is it you need your majesty?" Izuku sat down having Katsuki sit next to him but suddenly Izuku hugs Katsuki. "Kacchan! I missed you so much!!!!" The blonde then froze and slipped out of the greenette's hold. "You must be mistaken prince Izuku. I'm simply a guard in training no one else." The blonde was blushing hard and ran away while apologizing leaving Izuku once again heartbroken.

Soon the night came and got cold outside so Ochako made Izuku come inside as he'd been outside since. The maids made a hot-warm bath with herbs and the most natural scents for the greenette to smell beautifully. After his bath and being pampered he went to bed. Though his sleep was restless due to thinking non stop about the blonde male. The morning came and Izuku was awoken by the same brown haired girl.

It became a routine. Izuku would get up and get ready then rush to the training grounds if he had no duties to fulfill he would head to bed and so on. Izuku would try to get Katsuki's attention by pretending to struggle or need something but would fail by someone else helping. But at last the royal ball had came. The Omega is to announce who he will be marrying but because he found no one he is to marry the youngest son of the Todoroki family, Shoto.

During the ball:

Izuku was trying to find Katsuki but failed due to him being stuck in the royal conversations. But the second he saw the blonde he was pulled away and taken over to Shoto. "Hello prince Izuku. It's a honor to marry you and become your mate." The two haired male smiles softly and takes Izuku's hand to dance. The greenette had to admit Shoto was a fine looking man but Izuku had his eyes on his Kacchan

They danced the night away but each time Izuku looked over to Katsuki the blonde would either ignore them dancing or just stare. It was an unsettling stare though, Katsuki looked like he wanted to murder someone. Soon though the dancing ended so Izuku had to announce the marriage.

The people gathered around the greenette and his family to hear what he had to say. "I Izuku Midoiya will be marrying and mating with prince Shoto Todoroki." Izuku's tone was low and uncomfortable. The people cheered for the 'couple' except for one blonde Alpha that glared and stayed silent. The rest of the night everyone congratulated the two and had fun, by the end Izuku was walking alone to his room sighing just wanting to disappear. Why did the universe do such things to him and his lover. Izuku still wondered and worried about his Isamu, Aki, and Akira. How are they? Are they okay? Will they be okay? How are they holding up? Izuku was so curious about it.

The greenette went to bed after a bath.

The next morning Izuku woke up hot. He began to pant, he then felt weird to the point he was crying. "Huh- why is there this weird stuff on my pants?!" Suddenly Ochako came in with blankets, pillows, water, and a pill bottle. "Oh good you're up. Here are your nesting materials, water, and your suppressants." The chocolate eyed girl smiled sweetly giving the greenette the stuff. "Ochako what's- Nngh going on? Mngh~ why am I so hot?" The girl's head tilted in confusion "sir your heat started! Oh and Shoto should be here very soon we contacted him so he could help you through your heat." Izuku's eyes widen realizing. But now he is very upset and not sure how to react to Shoto coming. He knows when an Omega goes into heat their Alpha would help by helping the Omega get their sexual needs. Izuku didn't want to have sex with Todorki or even let the man touch him.

"Ochako I don't want him!" Uaraka nods as she knows Izuku isn't comfortable around the Alpha. "Of course your majesty, we will let him know immediately!" Izuku relaxed and snuggled up

A few hours go by and Izuku woke up again but smelt a faint scent of a caramel-dark chocolate smell

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A few hours go by and Izuku woke up again but smelt a faint scent of a caramel-dark chocolate smell. It was getting closer and closer it became intoxicating for the greenette. So with all his strength he had left he stood up stumbling, walking to the door and opens it.


Greeted again || BkDk Book II || (first book "Baby Project)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant