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Clarke can't handle herself when she realizes that Lexa fell asleep on her.

She didn't even realize when it happened, but when the movie is over, Lexa is strangely inanimate and her breathing is a little too even too, and-

"Lexa?" Clarke asks softly, but Lexa is deep asleep on Clarke's shoulder, their bare legs entangled, Clarke's arms still around Lexa.

Lexa might be able to carry Clarke, but firstly, Lexa is taller and secondly, Lexa is stronger. Just so you don't end up blaming Clarke for not being able to get up and carry Lexa to bed.

"Fine," she murmurs to the sleeping woman. "We're sleeping on the couch tonight."

The couch is soft and the fireplace warm, a soft sound of crackling in the background and a scent of pine, a scent of Christmas, and it's a great place to sleep. Clarke falls into half a coma, all limbs warm and heavy, dreams sweet, breathing in one rhythm with the woman on her chest.

There's just one thing that comes with falling asleep on a couch together while wearing the same sweater- they also wake up together. Clarke, drowsy, sleepy, could go straight for another nap, and Lexa, a little bit anxious waking up still cuddled so close to Clarke. She never meant to fall asleep in the first place.

Clarke is secretly glad that Lexa did. Have you ever seen her, cuddled into a massive shared sweater, puppy eyes big and green looking up at Clarke, brown hair a single mess? It's beautiful. A change from the way Clarke usually sees Lexa. "Good morning," she says with a soft grin.

"Morning," Lexa replies, cheeks now a gentle red. "Sorry for falling asleep. Is it morning?

"Mhm. Eight in the morning."


"Eight," Clarke confirms and brushes a strand of hair from Lexa's face to be able to look at her properly. "You okay? Need to be anywhere?"

"Breakfast, theoretically. Anya is probably pissed about having to deal with that on her own. And the Christmas tree decorating is at 11 a.m.. Hey, would you mind if I showered real quick and checked out if Anya needs help? I can send you some breakfast up."

Clarke waves her off and yawns. "Thanks but I'll just take another nap. But wake me for the decorating!"

Lexa smiles and slides out of Clarke's sweater. "I will."


The lobby is filled with people by 11 o'clock, all surrounding the Christmas tree, the children at the very front. Clarke luckily woke in time for carrying down some boxes of ornaments from the other, empty attic apartment and for helping putting them on the tree.

("No sir, we do not have a truck ornament." (Lexa to an elderly man)
"A porsche?"
"A van?"
"Sir, I'm afraid we do not have any car ornaments at all."
*upset huff* "Nobody does these days. Nobody does!"
"I will make a note for next year, sir."

"I wanted that twig." (Madi, pouting, tears in her big eyes.)
"Which one, this?" (Clarke)
"Yes! But I can't reach!" *stomps her tiny feet*
"How about you try again from my arm?"

"Is Santa going to put presents here?" (a young boy to Clarke)
"He might if you all are still here by Christmas."
"But is he gonna find us? I mean what if he brings the presents to all the empty houses?"
"I'm sure he's great at finding children." (Clarke, trying not to make it sound creepy) "You'll get all of Santa's presents I'm sure.")

When it's time to put the bright, golden star on the tree top, everybody is making space for Lexa like an unspoken rule, but Lexa says, "I think Clarke should do it. She's been stuck here for so long and has helped everyone so well, she deserves the honors."

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