~ The one with Jimin and the deal

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You scream when you feel the water on your body.

'What the fuck!' You turn around only to see him. The person you never thought to face again.

All the words you could possibly say vanish when you see him standing there. Your eyes grow big and he notices. He smiles at you but all you can think of is why the hell he is even in your house.

'I told you we should've thrown water on her.' Taehyun says.

Those little fuckers you think. You know why they called him here. They think he can fix you. Good luck to him because you don't even know how to fix yourself.

'You are going to eat or else we are going to have a serious problem Kiki.' Jimin says.

He still has the guts to call you by your nickname. You aren't the same person you were when he knew you. Correction: when you thought he knew you. All those years of bonding through the drain. You always thought that if your relationship with Jimin would ever be broken it would be because one of you died. The moment when he chose his girlfriend over you a pain inserted into your heart.

The feeling of not being good enough reentered your body. In this lifetime you always hoped to be enough but to be thrown away by a random intruder was heartless. What was more heartless was the fact that the person throwing you away was someone whom you bounded with over 10 years and who you saw as a brother. If someone needed to die for him it would be you. No questions asked. Maybe that's the reason why you really haven't bonded with someone like you did with him. Deep down you knew no one would die for you. It would be you dying for yourself because at the end of the day you are by yourself.


He doesn't have the right to come back and talk to me like nothing happened. It may not be big for him but it was for you. The broken pieces he left scattered on the floor while leaving you behind were put together by you. Those glass pieces were glued back together and eventually healed. Not once did it occur to him that you had feelings too. All those years you've been helping him excel but never did he once  try to stop and give you a turn.

The moment that he left it was your time to shine. To show that you are more than capable of growing and to be the best version of yourself. A version you created. All by yourself. No one else can take the credit for it.

No idea if he still is with his girlfriend you don't spare him a glance. He doesn't deserve to be acknowledged by you. Taking the blankets you resume your sleep and hope that the Jimin you just imagined wasn't real. Just like how you hope all of the drama going on in your life the last couple of days isn't real.

Laying back you call out to Hobi.

'Hobi tell him that even if he poured a 5l tank of cold or burning water on me I would still do nothing he asked from me. Please ask him to leave just like how he left 2 years ago.' You say.

'She said...' Hobi got cut off before he could finish his sentence.

'You know I will wait even if it takes me 20 years.' He says.

You ignore him and pull the blankets over your head. We will see you think to yourself.

Your thoughts are cut short when you feel the blankets are pulled away from you again.

'Bedtime is over' he huffs.

He grabs you by your ankles. You yelp. He lifts you up. You try to get out of his grip but it's impossible.

'Where is the kitchen?' He asks.

Both Taehyun and Naza are dumbfounded and lost for words.

'Just walk a straight line and you will see it.' Hobi says.

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