another painful discovery

Start from the beginning

'Great, last thing I wanted was to argue with him today.' Cartman thought to himself. But the damage had been done.

"You know what, fine. I don't care." Kyle pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Just keep sulking if that's what you want. I'm trying to help you and all you do is push me away."

Cartman rolled his eyes, again, and pulled out his own phone as well. He didn't need help from anyone. Especially not from Kyle.

Despite feeling the need to so badly cut again, he felt so sick after doing it. He felt guilty, anxious, upset, honestly it was WORSE than what he was feeling when he had the desire to cut. And that feeling was awful. But giving into the temptation only made him feel worse.

Cartman scribbled on the math sheet in front of him. This was annoying. He didn't even really regret relapsing, he just felt extremely bad because of doing it. He wishes he could stop thinking about it, but he's in the most boring AND quiet class ever so he's left alone with his thoughts. Not even in the mood to at least try and make class more interesting or socialize with anyone...

Luckily, he only had ten minutes left of class. After what felt like way too long to just be ten minutes, the bell finally rang.

"Thank God!" He yelled aloud. He stuffed his papers into his unorganized backpack and got up from his seat.

All these emotions were making him want to cut again. So he decided, fuck it. His blades were all at home, so he just decided to skip for the day...

"Eric!!! It's time to get up!"

"Mmmmm.. okay I'm getting up!" Cartman groaned. His mom is actually home in the morning for once. Rare occurrence.

"ERIC!!!" Liane yelled from the other side of the door. "YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!"

Cartman called back from his bed, barely awake, "I SAID I'M GETTING UP!!!!"


"Shit..." Cartman grumbled and sat up, rubbing his eyes and forcing his body to move. "OKAY, OKAY. I'm up!!!"

He pulled out his phone to check the time... 7:29am. Shit...the bus arrived at 7:45 and he still had to walk over there.

His eyes darted to the bottom of the screen, seeing a bunch of missed calls and unread messages. He hadn't been on his phone since the morning before when he was on the bus. Seven new messages from Kyle, two from Kenny, three missed calls from Kyle.


He rolled up his sleeve to see some dried blood on his arm. Some of it having been rubbed off by his sweater, but the rest of it still on his skin...he should really start tending his wounds or at least stop the bleeding. He rubbed the rest of it off his arm, then quickly got ready for the day so that he wasn't late to the bus.

As Cartman approached the bus stop, Kyle immediately noticed him and ran over.

"Where were you?!" Kyle asked, enraged.

"What..." Cartman looked at him confused, "what do you mean?"

"You left school early and haven't answered any of my texts!"

"Oh..." the boy rubbed his arm harshly, feeling his skin burn from the fabric of his sweater gliding back and forth over the cuts that covered his arm. "Went home. Wasn't feeling well."

"Why didn't you answer my texts? Or calls?"

"I wasn't on my phone and I had my notifications off."

"I highly doubt that."

"I'm serious!"

Kyle scoffed, "right...why did you really go home?"

"I told you; I wasn't feeling well!" Cartman replied. It technically wasn't a lie. "Now leave me alone." He attempted to walk away, only for Kyle to grasp his wrists. "FUCK! Ow, ow- stop!"

Kyle didn't let go, "why are you acting so weird?!"

"Seriously, that hurts!" After a few tries to yank his arm away he finally got it free from Kyle's grip. "God damnit."

"What is going on? Please, just talk to me!!" Kyle shouted. He was worried, Cartman could hear it in his voice, but there was no way he was telling him he relapsed.

"Nothing happened." The bus arrived, so Cartman just walked past Kyle before the conversation could go on any further.

Unfortunately for Cartman, Kyle decided to sit right by him on the bus.

For a few minutes they sat in silence. A very awkward silence. Then Kyle let out a quiet gasp of realization, but it was loud enough for Cartman to hear. He turned to him and was met by his boyfriend's worried gaze staring at his arms.

'Oh shit.' He thought to himself.

"Did you..." Kyle looked desperate to ask but he also didn't seem to know how. "Did you..relapse?"

Cartman inhaled deeply and looked out the window.


"YES. Yes, I did, okay?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to worry."

"Of course I'm going to worry if you're doing that to yourself!"

A few eyes darted to the two and Cartman felt his face flush, "could you quiet down?"

"Sorry...but you should've told me!"

"I...I couldn't. I thought about telling you." The brunette fidgeted with his fingers. "But I just couldn't bring myself to do it."

"It's okay..." Kyle reassuringly put his hand over his boyfriends. Honestly, he didn't know how to help Cartman and he sucked at topics such as these, but he still attempted help. "You should throw your blades away."


"How else are you supposed to stop?"

"I don't want to..."

"But you have to. This isn't healthy." The bus slowed to a stop as they neared the school. "I'll come over after school today. I'll help you."

Part 2? Anyone?💀

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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