Ari: Hey

Deion: What's up

Ari: Nothing, just wanted to check on you

Deion: I'm good

Ari: You sure?

Deion: Yea

Ari: So you don't miss her?

Deion: Of course I do, with every waking moment. But how does that concern you?

Ari: My bad, just tryna be a good friend. No need to get snappy

Deion: Why weren't you "tryna be a good cousin" to Melo when she died?

Ari: He obviously don't need me, he got y'all

Deion: U right

Ari: I always am

Deion: Cool I guess


I turn off my phone and go hop in the shower so I can just chill before I go to sleep.

Melo POV:

"So what do you wanna do today?" My mom asks

"I dunno" I say

"Well, why don't we go to the mall." She says

"I'm not in the mood" I sigh

"You're never in the mood to do anything anymore." She says in a sigh "Well we could go to that new shoe store downtown, get you some fresh kicks huh?"

"I'm cool with the shoes I have, and mom please never say "fresh kicks" again." I tell her

"Fresh kicks" She says with a smile

"Really" I laugh

"Finally, a inch of happiness. You know that's the first time I've seen you smile since that night." She tells me as she pats my back "It's ok to not be ok Melo"

"Mom please don't. You sound like one of those youtube suicide prevention ads." I tell her

"Well... I just need you to know that I'm here for you." She says

"I know" I sigh

"What about Deion?" She asks

"What about him?" I ask

"You two been together through everything, you guys are practically twins. I've seen the way he looks at you." She says

"What are you trying to say?" I ask

"Oh nothing" She says as she walks out of the room

"MOM!" I yell

"I SAID NOTHING!" She yells from the other room.

I roll my eyes and lay down. I pull out my phone and notice Deion had texted me.

Deion: Hey bro, you home

Me: Yea, what's up?


Oh so now he just wants to be petty. Ok well it's time for me to get pettier. I go to the settings on his contact and I block him. Now I can relax without him sending me annoying ass texts all day. I roll over and close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

A few hours later my phone vibrates. I look at the caller ID and it's Damien.

"Hello?" I say confused

"What the fuck Melo" It was Deion, calling from Damien's phone

"Nigga, what you want?" I ask

"Really, so you blocked me... for what?" He asks

"Because you were being petty." I say

"Really Melo" He sighs "And you're telling me I'm petty, you was the one ignoring me at school, you was the one not coming to the lounge, you was the one acting like you didn't want me around you. So now I'm petty for matching your energy?" He says

"Bye Deion" I say

"No, I'm not done" he says

"Well I am" I say as I hang up

A few seconds later he calls again.

"I don't want to talk to you Deion" I say as I hang up

He calls again and I let it ring. I put my phone on do not disturb and went to sleep.

Deion POV:

I call Melo again and he doesn't answer. I turn off the phone and sigh.

"What's wrong baby bro" Damien asks

"Nothing" I say

"Ohh is this about you and Melo" He laughs

"Man, it's not the time for jokes right now." I say

"Oh shit!" He says

"What?" I say confused

"You really like this nigga, he got you pressed like this." Damien laughs

Then I hear the doorbell ring, it was Ari. I open the door to her with a oversize jacket on, lowkey looking sexy as hell.

"Why are you at my house"

"Can we just go upstairs to talk" She says in a sigh

I take her upstairs to my room and I close the door.


"Okay now what did you wanna ta-" She cuts me off with a kiss

We start kissing and then things go further. After more and more kissing, we're undressed. She props her phone up to record, but in the heat of the moment I was so horny and mad that I didn't care that I was being recorded. She gave me head for at least 20 minutes and then it began. While we were doing back shots I turned to the camera and started shooting a bird. When we were done, she put on her clothes, took her phone and kissed me before leaving. What the hell did I just do.

Melo POV:

I am awakened in the middle of the night to my phone chiming. I open my phone to see a message from Ari, it was a video. Deion done lost his damn mind!!!

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