Chapter 41: Enter the Fog

Start from the beginning

"I don't pray to any gods." Zoro rebuffed.

"I've heard that booze is extra good after it's been floating on the waves." Nami persuasively mentions.

"Also not how that works." I state again to which was once again ignored.

"Then we've gotta try it out!" Franky tags into the conversation.

"Sweet! Let's have a toast!" Usopp celebrates.

"It's custom to refill the barrel with fresh offerings after you've emptied it." Robin mentions.

I simply sigh. Well, on the bright side, that won't be necessary in our case.

Chopper seemed fascinated by the piece of trivia.

"Let's hurry up and open it!" Franky walked over to the barrel, starting to pry the top off.

"Hey, god! I'm taking your snacks." Luffy shouts into the air.

Zoro scoffed. "What's so great about the sea god? Didn't a certain someone beat the crap out of that god on Sky Island?" Zoro reminded the group.

I gave him a slight shock with the Rumble powers. "While I don't disagree, you've gotta admit he was a skillful fighter." I evaluated.

He gave a slight glare in return.

"Ok! I'm done praying!" Luffy declared. "Cool, it opened!"


The barrel explored shooting a red projectile up into the sky.

"Something flew out!" Usopp shouts.

The flare explored once again in the sky leaving a large red beacon over the ship. Everyone around the crew started to grimace or frown at the situation, realizing that they were set up.

"What's that?" Well all but one at least. Leave it to Luffy to remain clueless sometimes.

"The booze flew out, flashed, and vanished." Chopper states after the red beacon faded.

"It was likely a flare to signal our location, although to whom is the question." I stand up to look for any vesicles nearby.

Zoro laughed. "Don't you mean the sea god's curse?"

"Do you wanna be zapped again? Focus, Zoro. It was clearly a trap." I state.

"Hopefully, we can rule it out as a prank..." Robin trailed off. "But what if..."

Usopp and Chopper started to freak out.

"So it was a trap?!" Usopp exclaimed. "By opening the barrel, we just inform someone of our location? Is that it? Chopper, check the perimeter!"

"I'm on it!"

"More bounty hunters might come down on us!" The sniper theorized.

"I don't see anyone!" Chopper announces.

"Me either!" Usopp agrees, looking the other direction.

The air pressure started to change along with how the clouds were moving.

"Nami, do you feel that?" I question.

"Yeah, I do. Everyone, take your stations! We're escaping to the south-southeast!" She ordered.

"A huge storm will be here in five minutes!" I finished, placing Chi on the seat, so I could help.

Dark heavy clouds quickly rolled in, bringing with it rain. We all rush around trying to finish preparing the ship for the new heading. Green lightning started to streak across the sky as gusts of winds started to push the ship back.

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