wash away your sins

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The past few weeks had been different, her mind hazy in the evening, sleep claiming her faster than it had in the past. Most nights, before she'd moved, it'd taken close to an hour for her to settle in and finally fall asleep, but during her stay, that had changed. Lately, it took no time at all, body almost giving out while she dressed for bed. The night couldn't come fast enough for her, soft blankets too enticing to resist.

And she began to suspect something, someone, was behind this change.

Kendra tested her theory tonight, refusing to let her dinner out of her sight. Now, it was time to wait, curiosity making her blood hum.

Walking to her room, she slowly picked out her favorite satin sleep set, ulterior motive in the forefront of her mind. Smiling, she slipped into the bathroom, turning on the shower and waited for the steam to encompass the entire room.

Would he come out to play tonight? Or would he refrain?

Unsure if his eyes were on her, she stripped her clothes off leisurely, putting on a show that would hopefully draw him out. If her suspicions were correct, their dynamic was a fucked up one, but she was intrigued.

Completely turned on by being preyed upon.

Kendra would never say that aloud, but the thought lived in her head. Her blouse glided over her shoulder and head as she peeled it off, revealing more of her amber skin. Unclasping her bra, she let that fall to the floor too.

And her favorite part — her jeans.

Shimmying them down over her hips deliberately slowly, she took her time pulling them from her lithe legs.

Come out to play, she thought darkly, stretching languidly in the steamy bathroom. Completely naked.

Satisfied with her little show, she stepped into the shower, the awaiting hot water instantly soothing her. Sighing, she leaned into the spray, content to stay there forever. While she was tired, she wasn't experiencing the exhaustion that had plagued her for weeks prior.

Her speculations were correct.

Lathering up, she let the suds of soap cleanse her body, slithering down the planes of her dark skin. The bathroom door, which she'd left open, appeared shadowed in her peripheral vision, but it was an invitation if one knew where to look.

midnight caresses [brahms heelshire x kendra oc]Where stories live. Discover now