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Aurelia had been searching for food in the storm when she saw a human fall off a ship. Fortunately for the mortal, humans weren't on Aurelia's menu. Aurelia was a mermaid, more specifically an arctic mermaid. So her body was meant to withstand the environment. She had no problem swimming through the icy waters as electricity surged through them from the strikes of lighting that hit the water. Clearly this human did though. She struggled quite a bit before falling limp, sinking towards the ocean floor.

It was rare for Aurelia to see humans, most didn't dare sail into the icy waters of Antarctica. Despite not seeing them very often, she still knew a little bit about them. She knew they couldn't be underwater for too long or else they would die. She had a choice, she could try to get this human some oxygen or she could let her die. She went with the first option. She quickly swam over to her and took her into her arms, she dragged her through the waters and into a cave. This underwater cave was special, it was warmer than the outside waters and there was an air pocket so the human would be able to breath.

She hauled the human onto a rocky ledge above water and laid her down. Then she pulled herself onto the ledge so she was sitting on it. She looked down at the woman laying next to her. She had brown skin and her long, wet, navy blue hair was sprawled around her. She had a lean body and she wore a flowy, off the shoulders, white blouse and black bodice on top of it. There was a velvety red sash wrapped around her waist, and she wore black trousers and brown knee high boots.

Suddenly the human woman started coughing and gasping for air. She leaned on her side as she sputtered water. Then she tried to sit up, but it seemed like her back was hurt and preventing her from doing so. As she was struggling to sit up, she noticed Aurelia sitting by her feet.

"Holy shit" she said.

Aurelia couldn't understand her though, so she just stared at her light blue eyes blankly.

Levine looked at the a half fish half woman creature in front of her, staring at her with wide eyes. One second she was flying off a ship and drowning in the icy Antarctic Ocean, and the next she was laying in a cave next to what looked like a mermaid.

The creature in front of her had deathly pale skin, honey blonde hair, green eyes, sharp teeth and nails, and she was a little chubby, but most importantly she had a fish tail. Her tail was mostly white but it faded into a light blue at the end of her fluke, and there were small but pointy spikes lining the sides of her tail.

Levine had tried to sit up, but her back was injured from being slammed against a wooden railing as she fell overboard. The mermaid just stared at her as she struggled, and Levine stared back. (When he looks at me..AND I LOOK AT HIM..) After a few seconds of struggle, Levine managed to sit up and back herself into the wall. She had never met a mermaid before so she wasn't sure how friendly they were, but it seemed like this mermaid had saved her so she couldn't be that bad right? She still tried to get as far away as possible though just to be safe.

Levine looked at her surroundings, she was in an underwater cave with a little ledge above water that her and the mermaid were both sitting on. Levine wondered how she hadn't frozen to death yet and she experimentally touched the water with her hand. Somehow, the water in this cave was warmer than the icy waters outside. Levine suddenly jumped in surprise as she heard the mermaid make a strange noise. It sounded kind of like a sound a dolphin would make.

"Uh..hello?" Levine said.

The mermaid said nothing, it seemed she couldn't understand her. That was going to be a problem, Levine couldn't understand the mermaid and the mermaid couldn't understand her. Levine decided to keep trying anyway though.

" saved me right..? Thanks for that, but I was wondering if ye could take me back to my ship?" Levine asked.

The mermaid in front of her just tilted her head in question, she looked pretty cute actually. That wasn't the point though, Levine wasn't about to start flirting with a mermaid who couldn't understand her. As Levine was thinking the mermaid suddenly dove into the water and swam out through an underwater exit. Levine couldn't really follow her, so she just sat there and waited for her to come back.

Aurelia swam through the underwater exit, she didn't understand what the human was saying. Aurelia was getting hungry though and she wondered if maybe the human was hungry too, so she went out in search of food. She swam through the dark waters, her eyes specially made to see in such depths.  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a fish swim behind a big rock. She quickly swam over, following the fish. When she passed the rock she saw that it wasn't just one fish, but a whole school. What a lucky day for her. She began chasing the school of fish. They tried to avoid her sharp nails, darting out of the way each time Aurelia would swipe at them. They were fast, but she was faster.

She had no problem grabbing them with her claw like nails and shoving them into her mouth. She didn't forget to grab a couple for her new human friend though. Once her belly was satisfied and her hands were full of small fish for the human, she swam back towards the cave entrance.

Levine was now sitting criss cross with her chin resting on her hand. It had been about fifteen minutes since the mermaid swam away and Levine was worried she had left her. After she had that thought the mermaid swam through the tunnel and Levine watched her head pop out of the water.

"Glad ya didn't leave me" Levine said smiling.

The mermaid showed Levine her hands, which were full of small fish. Levine perked up and took her hand off her chin. 

"Uh..nice fish?" She said.

The mermaid jutted her hands towards Levine, obviously wanting her to take the fish. Levine carefully took a fish from her hands and held it, unsure of what the mermaid wanted her to do with it. The mermaid gave Levine an annoyed look and she took a fish and put it into her mouth like it was obvious Levine was supposed to do that.

"Ohh you want me to eat it.. gee I appreciate the offer but I'll have to decline" Levine said.

The mermaid gave her a puzzled look.

"See uh.. we humans can't eat fish like this, they need to be specially prepared" Levine said.

She knew the mermaid couldn't understand her but she wasn't sure how else to convey why she couldn't accept her offer. The mermaid seemed to understand as she took the fish back from Levine and popped it into her own mouth. The mermaid then sat herself on the ledge next to Levine, she cautiously leaned back a little bit, but she allowed the mermaid to sit next to her.

Then the mermaid took Levines hands in her own and was seemingly comparing them. Guess she was just as curious about Levine as Levine was about her. She traced one of Levines hands with her nails and touched Levines nails seemingly wondering why they were so short. Once she was satisfied with analyzing Levines hands, she moved on to Levines legs. She started off just awkwardly patting them before running her hands up and down them. Levine didn't mind at first, but suddenly the mermaid started pulling her trousers down.

"Woah there! At least take me on a date first!" Levine shouted.

This seemed to scare the mermaid as she flinched and quickly dove into the water. She didn't leave the cave, but she stayed far out of Levines reach.

"Ah.. sorry lass I didn't mean to scare ya" Levine said in a gentle voice trying to comfort her. Levine tried to coax the mermaid back over, but it didn't work.

"I'm not gonna hurt ya I promise, you just surprised me is all" Levine said.

The mermaid sharply turned her head to the caves exit. Her ears that had been covered my her hair also pointed towards that direction. Her ears kind of looks like fins on the side of her head and they had barely noticeable white scales on them. It seemed like the mermaid had heard something outside the cave, whatever it was though Levine couldn't hear it. Whatever she heard not only bothered the mermaid but also Levine knowing that something was out there. Levine stared questionably at the exit wondering what she had heard. The mermaid then dove underwater and quickly swam out of the cave.

Levine sighed, feigning disappointment "I really just had a mermaid in my pants and now I've scared her into leaving me."

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