Chapter One

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The wind rustles your hair as you walk out of the library and you sigh as you look at your watch.

10:52 PM.

You tiredly start walking to the bus stop even though the library isn't that far from your apartment. It isn't safe to walk alone at night and you know that. There are multiple mafia groups in Seoul, which means it's not safe at night.

That's the reason why you hesitated to work at the library. At this time, you're desperate for the money; so you decided to take the job. Being a librarian really helped out with the money.

As you walk through the streets, you see the bus leaving the bus stop. You start to run towards the bus and you wave your hands, chasing the bus, but the driver doesn't see you. You stop gasping for air. You sigh frustratedly and put your hands in your pockets.You decide to walk to your apartment.

After about 20 minutes of walking, you finally reach your apartment. You take out your keys and unlock your door. You walk in, put your purse on your kitchen counter, and start walking to your room. You change into your pajamas and lay in your bed.

You don't even bother looking at your phone; there aren't going to be any messages. Your parents basically didn't care for you, which is why you moved out at 17. You didn't want them checking up on you; and they didn't. Not once during the two years that you've been on your own.

They were always too busy focusing on themselves to even notice you. The days you would come home with gum in your hair, or food all over your clothes, they never seemed to care what was going on when you went to school. The only time they did care was when they were drunk.

You sigh and close your eyes, suddenly feeling a wave of tiredness hit you, and you fall asleep. The next morning, you immediately wake up and check the time on your clock.

9:14 am.

You breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you didn't sleep in. You had to go to work at 10, so you didn't worry. You quickly went to the bathroom and took a shower. 10 minutes later, you come out with a towel and go to your bedroom. You change into your outfit for the day. You don't do your makeup since you don't really need it. You've never needed it, that's one good thing your parents gave you. You were effortlessly beautiful. And that's why people in school would bully you so much, they always told you that you had to have surgery done in order to look that pretty. Which was untrue.

You walk into your kitchen and decide to make eggs for breakfast. After making them, you walk into your living room with your food and sit on the couch, turning on the tv. The news starts playing and you start eating your eggs, glancing at the time.

9:36 am.


You stop chewing while eating, trying to process what you just heard. Park Daehoon? He's dead? How?? He was the most fearsome leader and he let nothing get in his way. So, how did he die?? And who was going to take his place?

Apparently, he has a son, but most people don't believe that he does. Because, how could you love a mafia leader? They literally kill people for fun and shit. So, who would be crazy enough to give an heir to him? And plus, no one has even seen his son. Ever.

You sigh and get up, throwing away your eggs, losing your appetite. You decide to leave for work now, grabbing your keys and purse from the counter. You head towards the door, lock it, and leave. You decide to walk to the library; you don't feel like riding the bus and listening to people talk about the news.

As you walk, you pass a dark alleyway. As you walk by, you notice two men there. You suddenly realize one of the men is holding a wooden stake, and watch as they stab the other in the chest. The man fell limp to the ground and then suddenly disappeared. You look horrified at the scene you just saw.

You go to look for the guy who stabbed the other person but can't find him. You decide to continue walking, trying to forget what you just witnessed. All of a sudden, you feel someone grab you hard on the arm, pulling you into the dark alleyway. You get pushed hard against the wall and let out a grunt.

"Who are you?" the man said. You try to look at the man but you can't see anything besides his eyes; he has a face mask on, and he is wearing a hood. You can't wrap your head around why he is wearing a hood in the middle of summer, but your thoughts get interrupted as he yells again.


Your first thought is to try to fight him, but you can't, so you decided to speak.

"Y/N... Kim Y/N." You curse yourself for stuttering and make eye contact with the man again; he laughs. His laugh is...well, interesting.

He then says "Well then, Y/N i'm sorry, but I have no choice but to kill you. You saw something that you shouldn't have."

Your eyes widen immediately after hearing him say that, and you start to panic.

"Please don't... I'll give you money, I'll do anything, but please don't kill me.. Please" You're honestly scared. There are so many things you want to do with your life, and you don't want it to end now, after you just started it.

You look away from his eyes and silently curse yourself for not learning taekwondo. You wanted out of this, and had nothing to save you from this situation. You look back at his eyes and notice how he finds this amusing.

"Anything, you say?" You nervously nod and he chuckles darkly.

"Well, I do need someone to use as bait to take down Park Jay..." Your eyes widen again, realizing who he was talking about.

"Park Jay?? You mean, the leader of the second strongest mafia group?" You speak. He chuckles and says, "Yes that Park Jay. That sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Either I kill you now, or you can be bait. If you successfully manage to take him down, you live."

You look away and start thinking to yourself. 'Is there any way out of this? Should I just let him kill me now, or just be his bait?' You sigh and say, "I'll help you..."

You look back at him; his eyes sparkle.

"Marvelous." He says. He gently releases his grip from your arm but doesn't let go of you. He pulls you deeper into the alleyway, and into a secret passage. You're nervous because of what you just got yourself into. He opens a door that you just now realized you are standing in front of.

He pulls you inside, and you turn around, catching the last bit of sunlight. It's possible you aren't going to see it again for a while. All of a sudden, the door disappears and you turn around to face the man again. You see an elevator and walk into it. He clicks a button, but for some reason, you don't feel like it is going anywhere.

The doors suddenly open and you see a really fancy mansion. You look at the place in awe. You see the gardens to the left, and a pool to the right. When you look straight ahead of you, you see the mansion. There are birds, flowers, everything a paradise would look like.

The man starts walking towards the mansion, and you follow him. You both reach the doors and he unlocks them.

"Your room is on the second floor to the right. It's next to the arcade." You nod and then decide to ask, "What's your name? I figured since I am working as a bait for you, I might as well know your name."

He then looks at you and speaks.

"Park Sunghoon, the leader of the most fearsome mafia group. Aka, the son of Park Daehoon."

Still Monster ~ Sunghoon + Y/N ffWhere stories live. Discover now