Solo Arc Chapter 20: How to Wrangle a Bull

Start from the beginning

Expert sword arts lvl 6: 13 times dmg with swords

Unarmed Combat Expert lvl 4: times 11 dmg with unarmed blows

True Warriors Aura lvl 9: +90 to Str, Agi, and Vit for however long this aura is active, heals 1700 HP per minute, cost: 1100 for activation, additional 110 per minute used.

Knights Rallying call lvl 9: +45 to all stats of every person you recognize as an ally within 200ft of user, Lower the physical abilities of foes by 45 points within the area of effect. Costs 1200 AP, lasts 5 minutes.

White Knight Body Armor Rank A:

+15 str
+15 vit

+11% physical dmg reduction

White Knight Gauntlets Rank A:

+10 str

+5 sense

+8% physical dmg reduction

White Knight Sabatons Rank A:

+10 vit

+5 agi

+8% physical dmg reduction

White Knight Basic Helm Rank A:

+10 sense

+10 agi

+5% physical dmg reduction

Rank S Crocea Mors (Seal level 4)

Bonuses: +320 to dmg

+25 str when equipped

+15 vit when equipped

+10 agi when equipped

+15% reduction to physical dmg when equipped

He nodded as he saw his stats rivaling most A ranked foes in the gates. He was approaching a position where he can fight them all without his boost skills active. But he had his stat points and it was now time to use them to make sure he can fight them off.


STR: 287 (+50) (+16 ally boost)

AGI: 287 (+25) (+16 ally boost)

VIT:287 (+40) (+16 ally boost)

INT: 347 (+16 ally boost)

SENSE: 287 (+15) (+16 ally boost)

Points available: 18

With a grin Jaune nods to himself at a job well done for the sake of growing his stats for the upcoming fight against the White Fang Vale branch. If he kept up this pace of growth he will be able to fight off Adam and his entire faction... ideally. There are always unknowns so he had to make sure he tread carefully with this mission. After all his friends had finally all hit B rank minimum without any B- ranks among them now. They had more room to grow but they will gain that chance to reach those heights once they clear this obstacle.

They all head back to their dorms after the day and adjusting to their new found power.

– Wednesday –

Today they decided to maximize their training to the fullest they can manage. They had only 1 day left before they tackled the Vale branch of the White Fang to keep them from being a threat in the future. They decided to split their time training as such.

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