☁️ Baby

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{☁️ fluff}

In the softly lit hospital room, Choso cradled their newborn in his arms, his eyes locked onto the tiny, perfect face. The weight of the responsibility and joy settled on him as he marveled at the delicate features, fingers gingerly tracing the lines of their shared creation. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the cocoon of warmth and love he shared with his wife.

His gaze shifted to her, the woman who had brought this miracle into the world, a silent understanding passing between them. As their eyes met, a flood of emotions surged through Choso—pride, love, and a profound sense of connection.

The hushed coos of the baby added a soundtrack to this intimate moment, making it all the more surreal.

"You're here," he whispered, his voice a mixture of awe and disbelief. "We did this, together."

Their newborn stirred, tiny fingers curling around Choso's larger ones, and a smile played on his lips.

"Hey there, little one,"

he cooed, the gruffness in his voice giving way to a tender tone reserved for this special occasion.

Choso carefully adjusted the baby in his arms, marveling at the fragility and strength encapsulated in such a small being. He couldn't help but steal glances at his wife, their eyes speaking volumes as they basked in the profound beauty of parenthood.

As the minutes passed, time seemed to slow, allowing Choso to savor every detail—the softness of their baby's skin, the fluttering eyelashes, and the rhythmic rise and fall of the tiny chest. In that room, surrounded by the whispers of new life, Choso experienced a depth of emotion he never knew existed.

With a gentle kiss on the baby's forehead, Choso whispered promises of protection and love. It was a promise not just to the newborn in his arms but to the woman who had stood by him, making this magical moment possible.

As they embraced their roles as parents, a new chapter unfolded, marked by the sweet fragrance of baby powder and the profound love that now filled their hearts.

Request from: Igni_Hydee

I hope this was what you had in mind :))

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