☁️ Rooftop

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{☁️ fluff, 🩹little angst}
On the rooftop overlooking Tokyo, the fading light painted everything in shades of amber and indigo. Y/N could hear the soft murmurs of the city below, but their attention was drawn to Choso, who stood at the edge, his posture tense and eyes distant.

"Lost in thought?" Y/N ventured, breaking the silence.

Choso turned slightly, eyes heavy with emotion. "Its just...with Yuuji... our bond, it's both a blessing and a weight."

Y/N stepped closer, sensing the depth of his turmoil. "It's not easy navigating these ties, especially with so much history between the two of you."

He looked down, fighting back the surge of emotion. "Everyone expects me to be this formidable curse, devoid of feelings. But the truth is, every whisper, every glance reminds me of what I am. I just want the best for my brothers"

Y/N's heart ached at his vulnerability. They gently cupped his face, urging him to meet their gaze. "Choso, I've seen the battles you've fought, not just against curses but against your own shadows. You're so much more than your past. You're resilient, caring, and deserving of understanding. Im sure Yuuji knows that."

Choso's eyes shimmered, reflecting the city's glow and the warmth in Y/N's words. He leaned into the touch, drawing strength from the connection. "Y/N... with you, I feel seen. I feel human. Thank you for that."

The two stood together, wrapped in the embrace of the twilight, the world below fading away. In that moment, amidst the city's cacophony, they found solace in each other's presence.

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