☁️ Shadows and Sunsets

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{☁️ fluff}
The university's bustling quad was always a perfect place for you to sit and lose yourself in your thoughts. The late afternoon sun painted everything in a golden hue, and you settled with a book, immersed in its world. Just as you were reaching a particularly intense part, a shadow loomed over you, and a football narrowly missed hitting you.

Instead of the impact you expected, a hand stretched out, catching the ball effortlessly. You looked up to meet a pair of deep, intense eyes belonging to a tall figure with raven-black hair.

"Sorry about that," Choso apologized with a smile, his voice deep yet gentle.

"Thank you," you replied, a bit flustered. He nodded and walked away, but the impression he left lingered.


Weeks later, you found yourself seeking out that same intense gaze amidst the crowded university coffee shop. And there he was, engrossed in a notebook, his fingers dancing over its pages. Without second-guessing yourself, you approached.

"Mind if I sit here?"

He looked up, seemingly recognizing you. "Of course," Choso replied, moving his belongings.

What started as a quiet shared table turned into hours of conversation. From literature and movies to the history of ancient martial arts, there was no topic left untouched. By the time the coffee shop announced its closing, neither of you wanted the evening to end.


Walking side by side under the canopy of stars, there was a palpable tension between you both. Each of you could sense an unspoken emotion building.

"I never got to properly thank you for that day on the quad," you began.

He chuckled, "It was just a reflex."

You paused under a lamppost, the light casting a warm glow on both of you. "It was more than that. It felt like... fate."

Choso's eyes searched yours. "I've felt this connection since that day," he admitted, taking a tentative step closer. "Every time our paths cross, it feels deliberate, destined."

Heart racing, you took the final step to close the gap between you two, and under the glow of the lamppost, amidst the cool night, your worlds finally collided.

Choso Kamo One shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon