Separate Ways

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Sunlight peeked through the narrow slits of my curtains as birds began chirping outside my window. I stretched and groggily wobbled to my bathroom, the freezing tiles coming into contact. As I turned the faucet on, my ears rang from a deafening argument in the hallway. I peered around the corner to witness the dispute.

"Well if you're so damn capable of getting a job, why don't you have one yet? It's been four months and I am tired of your lazy ass while I’m at the office!" I heard Mom shout.

Things were getting out of hand as I continued to eavesdrop on the bickering couple. Heavy footsteps approached my hiding spot and my cover would be blown if I didn’t move quickly enough.

As silent as possible, I closed the door and turned the shower on as if I didn’t notice the yelling. A bang sounded against the bathroom door, "I'll show you just how capable I am," Dad yelled, "Azalea! We're leaving!"

My heart sank to the floor as I shut the running water off. We were once a happy family, and I actually hoped that one day I would have a relationship like my parents. Until now, of course.

I opened the door slowly and crept into my bedroom as the once perfect couple continued to bicker. I wasn't sure if Dad was serious, but I packed my belongings quickly anyway. I shoved my clothes, phone charger, makeup bag, hair straightener, and hair dryer into two duffle bags. I didn't even want to fathom the chance that my parents might never get back together. I got dressed and slowly tiptoed into the hallway leading to the kitchen. Ducking my head in, I noticed Dad sitting at the dinner table and Mom on the opposite side of the room.

"Do you have all of your things?" He asked without looking up from his phone. I nodded.

Without saying another word, he got up from his seat, grabbed his bags and headed for the front door. I slipped my heels on and walked out to the driveway. I texted my best friend Eleanor as my bags were set in the boot of the car.

To Ellie: My parents are splitting up and I’m with my dad now:( i dunno where we're goin

From Ellie: Aww... don't worry, everything is gonna work out i promise

To Ellie: Hopefully. i'll talk to ya later:/

I jammed my iPhone into my pocket as he started the ignition. "Dad, where are we gonna go?" I asked, the words escaping as whispers.

"You'll see when we get there, just take a nap and I'll wake you up later." Dad explained. I nodded as he tuned the radio station. Slipping into a deep slumber, I couldn't help but wonder where we'd end up.

[The gif on the side is me at parties lol]

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