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[A special update for Niall's birthday!]


The car was constantly full of chatter and laughter the whole way to the mall. I forced a grin once in a while so the others wouldn't suspect anything, but other than that, my mind wasn't there. I was too preoccupied with my problems.

I stared at her as she spoke, admiring her beautiful features. The way her lips curved to form words, the twinkle in her eyes when she smiled, and the tilt of her head when she was focused on something.

"Josh, are you listening?" Azalea frowned.

I snapped out of my daze, "Huh?"

"I asked if you were okay with that," She giggled at my confused expression.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

Guilt masked my face as she sighed. I felt bad for making her repeat herself, knowing she hated doing that.  But hey, I probably would have been paying attention if he didn't cause problems for me.

"Well I suggested we split up for a bit; El and I wanted some girl time so maybe you boys can bond for a while and get to know each other!" She said, excitement clear in her tone.

"Sure, that's fine," I said, silently cursing my luck. I can't wait to get out of this car, it's getting stuffy as hell.


We finally pulled into a parking space near the shopping center. I opened the door the moment the car came to a halt; I just couldn't handle it anymore.

"Jeez Josh, you're just itching to shop, aren't you?" Eleanor teased as she observed my Olympic-worthy dash to the mall entrance.

"You know it!" I cocked my hip and mocked a hair flip although my short brown locks didn't budge.

Rounds of laughter erupted at my girly actions. I grinned, satisfied that I made her smile. At least she thinks I'm funny, that's definitely a plus.

"That was hilarious," Louis clutched his stomach and wiped tears from his eyes. 

I'm glad they didn't think twice about why I got out of the car so fast. That would be one hell of an explanation.

I took a bow and lunged forward to open the door for Azalea.

"Thanks, Josh," She smiled as I held the door open for her.

I returned her gesture, "No problem, love."

I stood at the door as El and Louis passed me, thanking me as well. I stepped away from the doorway, letting it close on its own.

"Oof!" I turned to the source of the noise and saw Niall reopening the door I just closed. Oops.

"Sorry Niall, didn't see ya there!" I apologized, though I was laughing my ass off on the inside.

"No worries mate!" I'm not your mate, I said to myself. Yet he smiled as if nothing happened.

We walked silently until we finally caught up to the others. Niall and Louis exchanged glances before putting up their hoods and slipping sunglasses on. Celebrities, I scoffed. I think their attire would make them even MORE noticeable now. I mean, who wears sunglasses indoors? Surely that would attract a bit of attention. They look anything but invisible.

The five of us went our separate ways just like Azalea suggested. Well this should be interesting.


Eleanor and I occupied two fitting rooms in Topshop, clothing and hangers strewn all over the floor. I was standing in front of a full-length mirror when I heard a squeal.

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