Chapter 3 - Tinker Bell

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After we had gathered supplies we started hiking through the jungle toward Pan's lair - where Henry was supposed to be according to Peter Pan and his stupid orphan map. 

Hook was walking behind me, taking every opportunity to be as close as possible to me. Neverland was very much a tropical jungle island, of that there was no doubt, but it was tolerable - as if one could never become too uncomfortable here. I mentioned as much out loud as I pushed some large fern leaves out of the path and Hook confirmed that was how the island worked but not to be deceived, dehydration would sneak up on you here. He handed me a canister and I drank, thinking it was water but finding it to be rum instead. I rolled my eyes and asked if he had any actual hydration, the kind non-pirates used not to die and he flashed me a devilish grin before handing me a canteen that blessedly had water in it. 

We stopped to check the map and see how much further we had to go. David seemed to be struggling just a bit which was surprising, making me wonder if there wasn't something more going on with him than he was letting on. David and I hadn't spent much time together, and as David Nolan, I had most definitely not been his biggest fan, but if what Snow had said was true he was hoping to change that. 

Emma pulled out the map and unfurled it, the map revealing itself as she did so, but the X that represented Pan's camp moved. Hook pointed out the obvious - Pan was moving the camp - and we all had to put our heads together to figure out what our next move should be. Hook recommended we reach out to a fairy he knew who lived on the island, someone whom Pan trusted, to try and help get us into Pan's camp. Emma and I both said "Tinker Bell?" in unison before casting a glance between the two of us. 

Oh, also, apparently Pixie Dust is like Fairy Dust but nuclear so, that's some really cool information to know. Wondering how we know this? Oh, there was no explanation, our dad just dropped that tidbit on us with, like, zero context. I was starting to see where I got some of my more obscure mannerisms...

Regina wanted us to use magic to poof to Pan's camp but, once again, Hook explained to her that Pan had protections against such things and doing so would end in her death - and his. Our only option was to walk unless Tinker Bell had some Pixie Dust to allow us to fly in or something. We all agreed to try and get Tinker Bell to join our cause.

Hook led the way to Tinker Bell's and as we walked I "accidentally" bumped into him and asked how he knew the island's fairy. He asked why I cared, if I was trying to find an excuse to get to know him better I should just say so, but I just claimed to be interested in the history of Neverland, that was all.   

Before he got a chance to answer we came across the fairy's tree house and climbed up the ladder, finding it empty. Snow asked why the fairy would need a ladder and Hook told us that Tinker Bell didn't have her wings. After a few moments of looking Hook told us the pixie dust wasn't there and I believed him, deciding to sit on the hammock that was in the tree house to relax for a second. Hook decided to follow suit and sat on the hammock next to me making me fall into him. I rolled my eyes but I was exhausted - Hook and I hadn't gotten to sleep since Peter Pan decided to pop up like the devil child he was and threw a wrench into our plans - and it just didn't seem worth the effort to fight his ridiculous flirtations, despite the glares David sent our way.

Regina's handkerchief was discovered in the fairy's hut and Emma realized Tinker Bell had been tracking us and she'd left Regina alone for her to find. Everyone rushed down the ladder and followed Emma as she ran through the jungle toward where she had left Regina, Hook and I running not far behind them after struggling to get out of the hammock. 

When we found Tinker Bell and Regina I noticed Killian's - and Regina, the supposed person in danger's - relaxed nature and fell back a bit to observe rather than stand on defense like everyone else. Tinker Bell didn't look like a fairy, she had the classic blonde hair in a bun and a green outfit but otherwise didn't resemble the animated fairy I'd grown up watching, no wings, human-sized. She did have a strength and toughness about her and I couldn't help but feel like we would probably be friends if we got the chance. 

Tink addressed Hook directly and I gave him an "I knew there was a story & you're gonna tell me everything" look but he just cast me a look before urging the fairy to join our side. She had lost her wings due to Regina, the two women explained vaguely, and despite that she agreed to help us get Henry out of Pan's camp. We all agreed to go back to our camp to make a plan. 

Once we were back at our camp, Killian and I were sitting shoulder to shoulder against a log by the fire we'd made. He grabbed a coconut and put a hole in it with his hook, offering it to me. I accepted it, gratefully, and we bumped shoulders. Throughout the entire day, the pirate had been glued to my side and I had stopped trying to fight it and instead just went with it.

Truth be told, I kind of liked it. 

I hadn't ever had someone show this kind of interest in me before, let alone the connection that was between us, whatever that connection was. At this point, I couldn't deny that there was a connection between us and that there had been since we'd met, I just wasn't sure what that connection was. 

I found a place and laid out my bed roll to get some sleep before we went off to rescue Henry while everyone came up with a plan. Killian laid his bed roll next to mine just as he always did when we made camp. Even with the death glares David shot his way - which always got a chuckle, smirk, or wink out of Killian every damn time - it didn't deter the pirate from sticking as close to me as I'd let him be. I was starting to wonder if David's clear unhappiness with the situation wasn't making it more fun for the pirate; if that wasn't why he was being so extra in his attentions toward me. 

Whatever the case, I was flattered. Beyond flattered, actually, and was willing to feel this out and see where it went, if his words and actions had any real merit.

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