Chapter 22 - Off to Neverland

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As we walked up to the park David asked Mr. Gold what he was doing here and he said he was spending time with his grandson since his own son had told him to stay away. Snow White and David agreed to handle Mr. Gold so Emma could talk to Henry.

Emma took Henry aside, he'd stopped playing once he noticed us, to tell him about what had happened with his father, while Snow and David walked over to talk to Mr. Gold about the fate of his son. I decided to talk to Granny and catch her up on what happened with Neal, figuring she would tell anyone else who needed to know. 

We got the call from Regina and Clara that the trigger was gone - Greg and Tamara had beaten them there and they had it. Snow White and David tried to plead with Rumplestiltskin to help us but with his son dead and no body to bury he wasn't in the mood to help - we were on our own. 

We decided to go back to the loft - Regina and Clara already waiting for us - to try and come up with a plan. We hadn't been back more than a few minutes when the ground beneath us shook like an earthquake. We all looked around at one another fearing what that meant - the trigger had been activated. That's when Killian Jones waltzed in as if he owned the place. 

David glared daggers at the pirate as he admitted that Greg and Tamara had tried to get him to help with their plan and he had played along, trying to do the hero thing, but had refused to help - even as a ruse - once they told him of the trigger and their plan. I asked if it hadn't been tempting, the thought of getting his revenge. He responded that he didn't want to die, and he certainly didn't want his revenge more than his life, or at the cost of any innocent lives, and the choice had been an easy one to make. He'd been looking for us, to warn us, try and help where he could. He told us they'd set it off in the mines using a dwarf's pickaxe.

The plan we came up with was simple - David and Hook would steal the beans back from Greg and Tamara while Emma, Regina, and I all slowed down the trigger to buy Snow and Clara time to gather everyone up so we could use a bean and get everyone back to the Enchanted Forest, safe. 

Emma, Regina, and I all headed down to the mines and walked through the tunnels. As we got closer to the location of the trigger it felt like the oxygen was getting sucked from the air. Regina explained it was the magic being drained from Storybrooke - once it stopped glowing, it would go off, and this land would return to what it was before Storybrooke had been created. 

Regina claimed there was nothing we could do to deactivate the trigger or disarm it, all we could do was slow it down to buy time for us all to go through a portal, but I wasn't convinced. As we approached the floating, glowing crystal, I could feel the power behind it, my magic buzzing in my veins in reaction. Regina admitted, after she began using her magic on the crystal,  that she couldn't slow it and get away - she planned to sacrifice herself for everyone, prove she was a hero, and help everyone get away safely back to the Enchanted Forest. 

Emma and I reluctantly left Regina alone in the mines, rushing to Granny's. I still wasn't convinced we couldn't do something if we all put our heads - and our magic - into trying to stop the trigger. 

Once we arrived at Granny's David and Hook confirmed they'd gotten a bean from Greg and Tamara but they had gotten away. Emma told everyone of Regina's sacrifice and we were prepared to go through a portal now but Snow spoke up and recommended we use the bean to send the self-destruct through a portal, like we had tried to do with the wraith, and even though we had no idea if it would work everyone spoke up on behalf of her plan, willing to risk it all. 

I wasn't so convinced of this plan, and neither was Emma, given that if it failed Henry would be alone and we would all be gone, but our parents assured us this was the right thing to do.

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