Chapter 11 - We're Going Off Plot

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Archie's funeral was a sad affair, but not for me. 

No, I was still convinced there was something more going on.  Snow gave a beautiful eulogy, and I got a glimpse of the Snow White that inspired the stories and could see why she inspired the type of loyalty she did. 

We went back to Snow's loft with everyone when Leroy brought up the idea of strangers coming to Storybrooke, and how dangerous that could be. It didn't seem like anyone was paying any attention to me so I slipped out, needing to get a break from everyone, and walked home.

I walked into my apartment, kicked off my shoes, and went into the bathroom when I heard the door bang against the wall and a voice I hadn't thought I would ever hear again yelled "Swan, are you here? Hannah?" 

I walked out of my bathroom and there, standing in the doorway was no other than Captain Hook himself. Here, in Storybrooke, standing in my apartment. 

I approached him cautiously - my emotions ranging from confused to happy to confused again - and asked what he was doing here, how had he gotten here, and how had he found my place. He confessed to working with Cora to get to this strange realm, using the petrified bean and the regenerative properties of the water where we'd had our last encounter to make the bean useable. He was on course for his revenge when he saw me walking on the sidewalk and, well, now he wasn't sure why he'd derailed his plans for revenge and rushed after me. I joked that I must have made a good impression on him, and he smiled ruefully but agreed that maybe I did. He told me of Cora's plan to break Regina and get her to join her, as well as the truth that Archie was alive and on his ship. 

I told him we needed to find my family, tell them of Cora and her plan, and that Archie wasn't truly dead. He agreed and said he'd work with me - he had only worked with Cora to get to this land and beyond that had no loyalties to the woman. I weighed his words and couldn't find any sense of a lie in his eyes and decided that this time, I would trust him. I had magic now, and if he broke that trust, I was confident I could handle him. 

We went to leave my apartment to tell my family and ran into what felt like an invisible wall. Hook threw himself against the invisible barrier several times before I put a hand on his shoulder and urged him to stop. We went out to the balcony and could walk out on it, but if you tried to reach beyond the balcony railing you'd meet the same invisible barrier.

We were trapped.

Hook cursed, blaming Cora, saying she had found him right as he came down from the beanstalk. "Which, by the way, I had to climb down in the dark and rain, alone, since you abandoned me up there." He had thrown at me with a wink and a smirk. He had admitted that I'd bested him and she had guessed he had chosen me over her. She must have put a spell on my apartment that would trap us both within its bounds if he entered to ensure if he chose me again we would be removed from the equation entirely. 

I laughed and pulled out my cell phone, flashing it at him as I called Emma. I explained that in this land we can contact one another using the little device. When Emma answered I explained everything to her - that Regina was framed, Archie was alive, and it was Cora, she was in Storybrooke, as was Hook. I told her he was trapped in the apartment with me and I heard Snow and David start wigging out but I told them not to, he was on our side, throwing him a pointed look as I said it and getting his nod of affirmation. I told them not to worry about me, focus on Cora, on finding Regina and mending that rift so she could break the spell on my apartment and get us out.

Emma and my parents still rushed over to my place, not wanting to leave me alone with the pirate, but found that not only could Hook and I not get out, but they couldn't get in either. They agreed to find Archie and Regina - Hook explaining where to find his ship and the man being held there - but told me to check in with them regularly and call them if I needed anything - or if the pirate caused me any trouble. 

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