Chapter 13 - A Giant in Storybrooke

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Regina had shown up to Mary Margaret's loft not long after Emma and Henry had left with Mr. Gold. 

She had received all our messages but thought we were trying to lure her out so we could capture her - until Cora came to her and tried to convince her to work with her. She assured Snow and David she would never work with her mother, but that didn't mean she couldn't pretend like she was. The only way to destroy Cora was to take her by surprise, and the only person who could do that was Regina. She was upset that Henry had been taken, but given the circumstances with Cora, she didn't blame Emma and still agreed to break the spell on my apartment, the three of them on their way over to free us.

I told Hook Regina had been found and they were on their way to let us out, and before they got there, I wanted to thank him. When he asked for what I explained that, much like the peace I found in the darkness, when he was around I felt a similar kind of peace, and no matter what happened between us moving forward I was glad to have met him, seen the parts of him he kept hidden behind "Captain Hook". I could hear everyone coming up the stairs then and didn't give him a chance to respond before moving around him and to the front door. 

Regina undid the spell her mother put on my place and Snow rushed in, throwing her arms around me in a hug I hadn't been expecting. David glared at the pirate before hugging me as well, glad to see I wasn't hurt. Regina left, giving her phone number to Snow to reach her if they found anything, she would do the same.

David and Snow asked Hook if he knew where Cora could be hiding, David looked around at my apartment with a look I could only describe as unsettled on his face, as Hook explained his ship, where they had found Archie, was the last place he'd seen her, although she wouldn't be there now. Still, it was the one place we knew we could look, it was a start, so we all headed out to the docks to find Hook's invisible pirate ship.  

 Snow asked me how it had been between the two of us and I told her it had been fine, pleasant even, and that there was a lot more to Hook than met the eye.

Of course, David had to act the overprotective dad, which was really weird and I'm not going to get into. Hook being his ever-charming self couldn't help but goad him, earning a shove and threat of further dismemberment due to a suggestive comment. Whether the comment had been for Snow or me had been unclear but the meaning had been clear and clearly unappreciated. Leroy, who had joined us at the docks to help look for Cora, was being overprotective right alongside David, and Hook once again couldn't help but throw a quick-witted insult at the dwarf. 

Snow assured Leroy she knew Hook was on our side, he was a pirate, he knew what way the wind blew and right now it was gusting toward us, so he would choose our side. Hook complimented her, saying he could see where her daughter got her gumption - which got an eye-roll from me and Snow this time - but led us to the hidden Jolly Roger. 

Apparently, Belle had found Archie before they had been able to get there so they hadn't tried to find the invisible ship using his instructions the day before. 

Walking up invisible stairs was freaky but Hook held out his hand for me and I took it gratefully. Once I was on deck I was amazed - the ship was beautiful, the woodwork was like nothing I'd ever seen before. Leroy clearly still wanted to go back to the Enchanted Forest because he asked the pirate if he sailed the ship here if he could sail the ship back to their lands. Hook explained how he had sailed his ship from the Enchanted Forest - using a portal. The Jolly Roger could only travel between realms with the help of a magic bean.

David asked about Cora's plans, and Hook admitted that Cora wasn't communicative but part of her plan involved the person in the cage under the tarp he tapped his hook on. They pulled the tarp off and revealed a normal-sized Anton - the giant Hook and I had encountered on top of the beanstalk. 

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