Chapter Seventeen

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   The moon illuminates my path back to the palace. My days have just gone from bad to worse. I shove my head under my pillow, silencing any ounce of pain that may escape. I am supposed to meet the King sometime this morning, I might as well get ready. Get ready for the tsunami I am about to be swallowed by.

Once the sun has come up a little bit more, I drag my feet to the dresser. I flit through all the clothes Axil has given me, every piece of fabric being a memory. A memory I don't wish to relive.

Looking deeper into my closet, I find a dress that Lucy has hidden back against the wall. It is a white dress with floral lace, making the ensemble seem very dainty. The sleeves rest on my forearm, straps securing it to my shoulders. I brush through the mess of my hair, letting it flow down my back. My eyes wander from the flats, to the heels. Rolling my eyes, I slip on the flats, grumbling.

Maybe the King will be at breakfast by now. I hear he always rises early. I pray to the stars I can catch him while he's not busy.

Making my way to the dining hall, I try my best to keep my steps in an orderly manner. My heart quickens as I near the double doors, my breath hitching as I try to calm myself down.

Closing my eyes, I take a step into the dining hall, bracing myself. When I step in, voices stop. I open my eyes to see not just the King of Lumbridge, but his son as well. As soon as he sees me, he looks away. I can see his mood, a deep red color boiling around him. Watching it go from the light pink of his love, to a blood red. "Ah, Miss Zaria. Would you like to discuss future plans?"

Biting back the tears, I take one last look at Axil. "Excuse me." I bow in their direction. "It seems I should come back another time."

"Nonsense." Lifting a finger in the air, he calls out to one of the servants. "Jessica, get her some breakfast."

I can see the hatred radiating off of Axil. I can't blame him. He sees me as a monster.

The King sits at the head of the table, Axil to his left. I scurry over, sitting on the opposite side. No reason for me to agitate him even more. Sitting down, I fidget in my seat, remembering to cross my legs, and sit up straight. The action makes him glance in my direction. He looks me up and down, his face softening, just for a brief moment. The tightness in his face flinches, his jaw relaxing, but I pay no mind to it. He wants me to forget, then fine. I will forget the niceties that he has done for me, just like he has forgotten all the niceties I have done for him.

"So, you had questioned if, with your new job, you could still be Axil's advisor."

Hearing the King say it out loud after what happened last night makes my face heat all over again in embarrassment. His eyes widen with pure rage. It seems as though only I can tell. His face is fuming, but his father only looks and smiles. It must just be the magic. It can do that right? Amplify feeling?

"Yes, Your Highness," I answer hanging my head. This is not how I wanted any of this to go.

"Well, I only feel inclined to include my son in this conversation. If he feels comfortable with you balancing both jobs, then I have no problem."

He speaks up, locking eyes with his father, "I would like to send in for a new advisor."

My heart drops into the pit of my stomach. It has been doing that so much lately, it concerns me what the side effect could be.

He continues, "If she is getting a new job, I would like to know that I have someone who can stay focused and on task." He bites the last part at me, but again his father doesn't pick up on any of it.

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