The Proposal

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In a candlelit room, Aadhya nervously paced as she awaited Karan's arrival. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation, and the room adorned with soft music playing in the background.

Karan entered, dressed in a well-fitted suit, his eyes locking onto Aadhya. He was visibly nervous, a bouquet of roses in hand.

"Aadhya, you look stunning", Said karan with a fond smile on his face.

"Thank you, Karan. I've been waiting for this", Aadhya thanked him as her cheeks turned redder.

As they sat down, Karan began to express his feelings.

"Aadhya, from the moment I met you, my life changed. You've brought so much joy and meaning into it", Karan confessed what he always felt.

Aadhya's eyes sparkled with emotion as she listened intently.

"Aadhya, will you make me the happiest person alive and marry me?" Karan asked going down on his knees.

He opened a small box, revealing a beautifully crafted engagement ring. Aadhya's heart raced as she looked at the ring, a mix of emotions playing on her face.

"Yes, Karan. Yes!", Aadhya accepted his proposal with teary eyes, not everyone is lucky to get their love.

Karan slid the ring onto her finger, sealing the moment with a sweet, lingering kiss. The room seemed to glow with happiness as they embraced, marking the beginning of their journey into a shared future.

The morning sun painted the room with a soft glow as Aadhya and Karan awoke, entwined in each other's embrace. The tranquility of the moment hung in the air, and a sense of warmth enveloped them.

"Good morning", a soft voice greeted karan the moment he woke up.

"Good morning, beautiful", Karan smiled and kissed her forehead.

They exchanged tender smiles, the memories of the night before lingering in their gaze. Aadhya traced circles on Karan's chest, a contented sigh escaping her lips.

"Last night was... amazing", Aadhya said with a shy smile

"It truly was", Karan grinned.

They shared a lingering kiss, savoring the connection between them. The room was filled with a comfortable silence, broken only by the soft whispers of their shared affections.

"I never expected us to be here, you know?", Aadhya said thoughtfully.

"Life has its surprises", Karan said while  tracing patterns on her arm

As they lay intertwined, the morning unfolded with shared laughter and whispered promises reminiscing their first meet.

"Flashback starts"

Aadhya sat in her office, the gentle glow of moonlight filtering through the window. The door opened, and in walked Karan, a Chandravanshi warrior with an air of quiet strength.

"Captain Karan, please, have a seat" Aadhya said with a warm smile on her face

Karan nodded, his eyes reflecting the mysteries of the night sky as he settled into the chair. A sense of purpose and duty emanated from him.

"How can I assist you today?", Aadhya asked professionally.

Karan began to share the challenges he faced as a Chandravanshi and a Military officer. The weight of responsibility, and the challenges and hardships comes with his duty and guilt of leaving his responsibilities towards his family making him depressed. Aadhya listened attentively, acknowledging the truamas suffered by him during his journey along with guilt of leaving his family, which is making him difficult to perform his duty.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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