"No." We said in unison.

"Like do y'all love each other or hate each other? Y'all either two peas in a pod or acting like y'all in an episode of baddies at each other's throat." Samaria said while driving.

"We can be back cool once she learn how to stop acting how she do." Kiyari said.

"Bitch and how do you act? Since you wanna talk about it." I scrunched up my face.

"I don't act like shit."

"You have a smart ass mouth for one." I pointed out. "Then you always taking other people side."

"Girl I didn't take nobody side I was just saying. How you mad cause I know how to be neutral in situations?"

"Stop talking to me." I said.

"Exactly bitch. You miserable go heal." She told me.

She can kiss my ass.

"I need a drink if I'm gonna be in the car with y'all two." Layla sighed.

She pulled out some Lunazul and had four plastic cups.

"Oh bitch you lit huh?" Kiyari said as if she was surprised. "Who bought the bottle?"

"My nigga. Only cause I promised to call him while I was drunk so he could come pick me up." Layla said.

Her boyfriend was twenty one. Layla was eighteen though. She was the one who preferred to have older niggas. Always been.

Layla poured everybody a cup. She gave Samaria a little bit because Samaria didn't really like drinking plus she was our designated driver. She was more so of a smoker if anything.

I gulped down what was in my cup and slapped my chest due to the burning sensation I felt but it soon went away and I was able to drink without feeling it.

We eventually pulled up to the function and by that time we were tipsy.

"I gotta peeeeee." Yari dragged.

Once we walked into the Airbnb I looked around for the bathroom so she could use it and eventually we found it. Layla and Samaria wandered off to find Malachi nem.

"Here." I found it after making my way through a crowd of people.

"Come with me." She pulled me into the bathroom with her. Kiyari was a lightweight. She'll get tow up fast as hell.

I closed the door behind us and locked it so nobody would walk in cause people love to do that at parties. Like bitch if the door closed don't come in here.

"So you gon pee with your pants up?" I eyed her after seeing her squat without pulling her pants down.

"Oh. Right." She tapped her head. "Forgot." She pulled them down.

While she did that I look my lip gloss out of my purse to reapply it and I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I looked at my notifications and saw plenty from Von and rolled my eyes.

I was gonna block him but I loved the satisfaction of him knowing I'm ignoring him purposely. It makes me feel good cause bitch don't ever cheat on me and try to beg for forgiveness.

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