𝕚 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕚'𝕞 𝕗𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕚𝕟 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕪𝕠𝕦 ~ 𝟙𝟟

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"I understand that time is of the essence," Leo acknowledged. "But we must remain focused on executing this mission flawlessly rather than rushing into action prematurely." He stressed that rescuing James required careful coordination and precise execution to minimize risks and maximize chances of success.

"Today, we'll just scout around the area, ensure he is there, see how many guards and defence they have."

Leo concluded the briefing by reiterating their commitment to bringing James home safely. "We owe it to him, his family, and all those who risk their lives for the truth," he said firmly. "Let us be patient, gather intelligence, and plan meticulously. Our moment will come when we can execute this rescue operation with the utmost precision."

With that, Leo dismissed the troops from the conference tent, asking them to get their equipment and weapons, knowing they would now prepare themselves mentally and physically for the mission ahead. As they dispersed, each member carried a renewed sense of purpose, ready to face whatever obstacles lay in their path until they could bring James Anderson back home.


Leo entered the Armoury as most of his soldiers finished preparing and leaving the room with their guns. Leo paused his gaze on Dylan, who had begun exiting the space, only to be stopped by Leo.

"Fraser, hold up a minute."

Dylan turned around and walked back to the centre of the room, "Yes, sir?"

Leo's gaze fell to Dylan's bulletproof vest, and he sighed. "Are you ready for this mission?"

"Yes, sir, of course!" Replied the young boy enthusiastically.

Leo nodded slowly and walked towards Dylan, putting his hands on the kid's shoulder and began undoing the velcroing of his vest. Dylan's face expressed confusion. Leo chuckled slightly at his expression as he took off the vest from Dylan.

Leo spoke teasingly as he raised an eyebrow in amusement, "Well, you can't go out there with this inside out, can you?"

Dylan's cheeks flushed in his embarrassment as he looked at his vest in the hands of his superior, who was now turning it the right way.

Leonardo chuckled again, handing the vest to Dylan to put on, and as he put his arms through the holes, Leo sighed again and reached out to help Dylan as he noticed his struggle to strap himself in properly.

Leo gently adjusted the straps and buckles of Dylan's vest, ensuring it fits snugly and securely against his body. As he did so, he spoke in a reassuring tone.

"Don't worry, Fraser. It takes time to get used to all this gear. We've all been there at some point," Leo said, offering a supportive smile.

Dylan nodded appreciatively, grateful for Leo's patience and guidance. Once the vest was secured correctly, Leo stepped back to assess Dylan's overall appearance.

"Looking good," Leo commented with a hint of pride in his voice. "Remember, your safety is our top priority out there. Make sure you keep your vest on at all times."

"Yes, sir," Dylan replied earnestly, feeling a surge of confidence from Leo's words.

Leo then turned his attention to Dylan's weapon, inspecting it meticulously to ensure it was clean and ready for action. He gave quick instructions on its usage and maintenance before returning it to Dylan.

"Now remember, always treat your weapon respectfully, " Leo firmly advised. "It can be the difference between life and death out there."

Dylan nodded solemnly, fully absorbing every wisdom imparted by his seasoned leader. He knew that Leo's experience would prove invaluable as they embarked on this dangerous mission.

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