CH. 8 - Sorry, ...Forger.

Start from the beginning


"UGLY! FATTIE! HAG!!!" Arthur screeched.

"HOW DARE YOUUU!!! I'M CALLING MY FATHER!" Arthur thundered.

"Calm down, young man. I am snapping the flowers for your lady." The old flowerist said.

"WELL GET IT DONE QUICKLY!!!" Arthur stomped, screeched, and thundered.

"Here. NOW GET OUT OF MY SHOP!" The old flowerist yelled.

"FINE! UGH! OLD PEOPLE THESE DAYS!" Arthur raced out of the shop with a bouquet of roses.

"Young people these days! Geez! It's only 1964 and they're acting crazy! It's nothing like back in the 1890s...we were all starving for food! We were actually quite wild..." The old flowerist sighed and continued cutting her flowers.

"Mwekekeke, she'll love this!" Arthur laughed like a crazy person. "Oh, and there she is!"

"Hello, Anya forger," Arthur knelt down and presented the huge bouquet of roses to her.

"Hello? Uhh, thank you?" Anya said, confused. 'Why is everyone giving flowers? Is it my birthday?'
(No Anya, it was yesterday...)

"For your kind mother, dear fair maiden." He said.

"Oh! Thank you, then. I will give this to her." Anya smiled.

'Sooooooooo cuteeeeeeee!!!' Arthur wiped away a tear.

"And of course, some peanuts for you and a 1963 Buick Riviera for you, fair maiden." Arthur got up from the ground and swayed his arm to the direction of the new, popular car.

"Whaa?? But I'm only ei-nine! I don't know how to drive!" Anya gasped.

"Of course, fair maiden." Arthur caught site of a very certain, huge looking bouquet.

"From whom does this hail?" Arthur picked up the heavy bouquet of roses.

"Ah, that's from George..." Anya said. Ever since that incident, George wouldn't stop giving her the same bouquet of flowers everyday.

Arthur narrowed his eyes. "Glooman, ey?"

Anya blinked. "Yes-"

Crunch, crunch. The leaves of the bushes crunched as another boy passed through.

"Forger, Becky told me you'd be...?"

"Princess Anya, a bouquet for...?"

(of course, Damian being the tallest there somehow

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(of course, Damian being the tallest there somehow...he doesnt even sleep that much and I gave up on george.)

"Whaaa!?" Anya was horrified. Why was everyone giving her flowers!?

"Damian Desmond!? George Glooman!? Might I ask, why the earthing doodles are you both here!" Arthur schreeched.

"I, uh," Damian stuttered.

And It All Started With A Punch - DAMIANYAWhere stories live. Discover now