The day goes on as usual. When I get home Damien is sitting on the couch.

"How was school?" he asks

"It was good" I say

"You know, I've been thinking" he starts


"I wanna get my GED, and then go to college, and I want us to graduate, together"

"Really?" I ask surprised

"Yeah man, I'm a lil rusty, but my brain still remembers most of the curriculum." he says

"Well damn, if you think you can do it, then try." I say

"That's what I wanna hear." He says

The next day we both get ready for school, and he drops me off. Then he goes to park the car and we head into school.We go to the office and Damien registers for his classes, then we head to first period. The bell rings and we head to our next class, unfortunately he had math, I didn't, so we went our separate ways when we got in the hallway.

Melo POV:

I walk into math class and my jaw drops. What the hell is he doing here? And why did he look so damn fine?I sit down next to Kennedi and start pulling out my notebooks, still shocked that he's here.

"Bitch, isn't that Damien?" I ask Kennedi

"Yea, Deion said he got out last night."

Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. It was him! Of course it was fuckin him.

"Yeah?" I say

"Uhh, can I get a pencil" He says

He looks at me as if he doesn't even notice me. I mean it has been a while, the last time Damien saw any of us we were in the 8th grade. I was definitely not as good looking then. I had braces, terrible acne, and I just could not dress if my life depended on it. Now though, I think I'm pretty damn hot. Straight teeth without the braces, my skin is way clearer, and thanks to Tavon I know how to put that shit on. Damien snaps me out of my daydream when he waves his hand over his face.

"Hello?" He says

"Oh yeah um, let me just look in my bag" I say

"Preciate it" He says

"Mr. Becker, if you wanna talk, how about you come talk about solving this problem." Ms. Worrick says

"Oh my bad, I was just askin for a pencil" Damien says

Damn, that voice was still deep and sexy. I don't know why I'm fantasizing, I know this nigga straight.

"Umm why, don't you know how to make one." Ari says from across the class

"What?" Damien says confused

"I'm sorry, I know in jail they only give y'all the bare minimum to survive so I just thought you knew how to take your resources and you know, manage." Ari says, which cracks up the whole class

"Girl, shut the fuck up ms. pimples, and take care of that big ass bump on yo nose." Kennedi says, she shut her up real quick

"Ms. Anderson, watch your mouth." Ms. Worrick says

"Ms. Worrick, control your students." I but in "That was completely uncalled for, Ari was obviously just tryna make a joke out of someone, even though... she is the joke." I say

"Ok class, lets just carry on" Ms. Worrick says

The class goes on as normal. I finish my work early and look over at Kennedi's paper and see she's having trouble.

"Hey, you need help?" I ask

"Uh yea, I just don't understand this" She says

"Here let me teach you" I say as we both start laughing

"Let me teach you" is a little inside joke me and her have. When we were little we used think we were on Baddies, and that was my favorite line.

"Oh yea, you remember that?" She says with a smile

"How could I forget." I say back with a smirk.

After a few minutes we finish the problems and I head out the door. The rest of the day goes by fast and before I know it, the school day is over.

Damien (Deion's Brother)

Damien (Deion's Brother)

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