Chapter 12 - please dont go...

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(Author's note: ayyy sorry it's been a bit again 😭 I'm finally moving on from the village scene but if ur expecting a hug fighting scene in detail and Roy good writing for it.. Srry to disappoint but that ain't happening 😭)

                         Last Chapter:
       Y/N: "Goodnight, my transformer"

*Time skip to the fighting scene where Mirage is protecting Noah, but as Y/N in as well, so Mirage is protecting both Noah and Y/N* (Srry idk how to write fights 😭)


We were in the middle of fighting against Scourge and trying to save our planet. Me and Noah are currently under mirage as he helps shield us from the shots

"Mirage! What are you doin'?!" Noah asks with shakes and cracks in his voice, tears threatening to leave his eyes.

"K..keeping my promise.." mirage says strained and groans from getting shot again. Tears threatening to leave my eyes as I see my sparkmate getting himself killed for me and my little brother

"Come on, you gotta get up!!" Noah says desperately, tears leaving his eyes and he hits Mirage's chest, trying to get him to stand up but mirage doesn't budge

"Please! You can't die, mirage! Please don't go..." I say, my heart breaking as I see Mirage looks at me and smile sadly

"It's okay, Noah, Pretty Lady..." mirage says, using my nickname which makes my heart break more. Mirage gets shot multiple times and almost collapses, making me and Noah flinch. 

"Home... home team.." mirage says to Noah, and I can see in Noah's eyes the pain he feels

"Home team..." Noah says, his voice strong but wanting to break. Mirage looks at me and smiles

"I love you, my pretty lady... my sparkmate.." mirage says with a sad, loving voice that makes me want to break out sobbing but I try to stay strong for Noah

As soon as I was about to say it back Mirage gets shot.. for the last time. Mirage collapsed on top of me and Noah, luckily not crushing us, giving us some room. Me and Noah open our eyes from flinching to see an unmoving mirage with his eyes closed

"Mirage?" Noah whispers sadly as I let tears roll down my face from seeing my unlively sparkmate. I look at his closed eyes and move my hand so I can feels his face one last time

"I love you too, my transformer... my sparkmate" I say, my voice cracking and I slowly let my hand fall from his face, wishing that he would wake up and hug me again, saying it was all a joke and that's everything is okay...

"Mirage?" Noah said louder with desperation in his voice and eyes as he bangs on mirage's chest but mirage doesn't wake up..

Suddenly Mirage's gears start to make noise and it transforms onto Noah, making him a suit out of mirage's parts, which I find weird but it's not my choice

Me and Noah get up and I wipe the tears from ny face. As hard it is to do so, I have to get ny head back in the game and help save my planet. It's what Mirage would have wanted me to do... but I can't help but think..

He didn't even get to hear me say "I love you" back, for the last time...

(Author's note: Srry this is so short but I wanted to end on a sad note cuz why not, plus idk what else to write for that fighting scene 💀. I'm on thanksgiving break rn so I might be posting another chapter, and possibly finishing this story.. finally 💀
& ik it's random but I broke up with my (now ex)  bf a while back 🫶 he didn't rly do anything, he just wasn't for me, but that's alrrr cuz now I'm happily single and in my bad bitch era 🤭

Anyway, Srry this chapter sucked, I'm not good at writing fights or angst 😭 but I tried

Remember to eat smth and drink some water, love you all!)


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