Chapter 5 - Flight

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(Author's note- one of my friends recently watched the movie and now she gets why I simp for Mirage 🤩🤩 ahem, now on to the chapter. Also just a heads up I don't remember much about before they go to Peru, like on the plane and how they got to the ancient place thing so there will be some weird time skips or just me making up shit so, sorry 😅)


Apparently me, Noah, Elena, and the autobots are flying out to Peru. How can they get on a plane? I have no idea, but they said they could so I guess I should trust them. I'm not really expecting anything nice but I at least hope that we won't die. I am a little anxious since I have lots of anxiety just in general (same 🤩) but also because I haven't flown in a plane since the army, and when I did fly me and my team crashed and half of the team died and the other, including me, got injured very badly, it's how I got some of my scars on my legs and back.

Now, you see, my brother doesn't have a lot of scars, at least not as much as I do. There's no real reason for it, it's just that I got more injured than he did, even if I'm more stealthier than him. I have got scars all over, they all are from the battles that I have fought in, for example one time I got shot at in battle but the bullet just grazed my skin, and gave me a scar on my bicep. I'm a little insecure about my scars, I mean I'm insecure about everything to do with me but one of those insecurities are with my scars. Usually in winter or something I can hide them and in summer I just suck it up and cover them up anyway, but today I was rushing to get ready so I didn't get the chance to grab a hoodie or look for pants, since I grabbed whatever was closest to me, which happened to be a white tank top and black shorts (that is one of my fav summer outfits for me personally, but if you wanna change it then that's ok) put it on, and ran out the door...I guess I shouldn't have stayed up so late but that's besides the point. The point is that now everyone can see my scars, how much there are, how bad they look on me. It just makes me really insecure, I mean more than I usually am. All of my scars are exposed and I feel like everyone is looking at me, even if they aren't, I feel like they're judging me. And on top of that, I have a shoulder tattoo of a skull with a sword going through it from the army. Me and my army buddies got it when we won our first battle, usually I'm not that insecure about it but the autobots and Elena have never seen it before. I mean what if they think it's ugly? Or if they think it's trash? They probably won't care but my brain being my brain will make me think that they do. (Felt)

Anyway, that was very much off topic, back to the real topic. I am currently with Noah in Mirage...IN HIS CAR FORM, don't be weird. Mirage is driving me and Noah to where we will met up with the rest of the group.

'Shit, mirage can see my scars and tattoo...what if he thinks their ugly? Wait...why would I care? I wouldn't care! I DON'T care!' I think to myself. (Whatever you say, honey)

I have some questions, like who's gonna be the pilot? Are there other humans that know about the transformers? Or is the plane also a transformer? Now that I think about it, I remember reading up on an autobot that is a plane...ooooo what was his name though? Something with an 'S'...stra... stratus?... no... strato....sphere? Stratosphere? Oh yeah! That's it! Stratosphere, maybe it's him that flying us. If it is I'm kinda concerned, based on what I have read about him, he is pretty wild and not very safe, but I mean what is safe nowadays. Ew, I sound old when I say that.

Anyway, me, Noah, and Mirage all reach the place where we see the rest of the autobots and Elena, and Mirage, me, and Noah do this cool little transform thingy where Mirage transforms into his robot form and me and Noah are walking beside him.

"Come on, Prime. Smile a little bit. It won't hurt! Let me see that underbite!" Mirage says as we walk towards the groups, and I chuckle a little at him joke

"Alright! So what kinda jet we takin to Peru? Or is it a plane? Either one's fine I just need first class ok, cause I have long ass legs" Mirage says and I chuckle again and Mirage looks down at me and we both smile at each other (one of my fav Mirage lines btw)

"Uh..well, he is a plane..." Arcee says

"No. No. No no! Don't- don't tell me we're flyin on..." Mirage trails off when we all see a very old looking plane fly above us

"Oh no.." Mirage says as we watch the plane transform into a robot

Time skip to when they are all on the plane
(I forgot what happens, so sorry!)

I am currently sitting on the floor right next to Mirage, leaning my head on to his shoulder. I see my brother calm down Elena, since she was scared of the rough flying, and I smile at them, I like seeing my brother being friendly with other people.

I feel a robot arm wrap about until back and put a hand in my waist, and I look back at Mirage who is already looking at me, and we both just smile at each other, looking into each other's eyes with this sort of feeling you only get when you're with that one special person in your life. Maybe Mirage is my special person...I mean sure he's half robot but whatever, everyone has someone for them, maybe I found mine...

Mirage moves his hand to be on my shoulder, the one that isn't beside him, and he starts to trace the scars and tattoo that are on my shoulder

"If you don't mind me did you get all of these scars? And does the tattoo mean anything?" Mirage asks quietly so the others can't hear. Now usually, I wouldn't really want to answer and become insecure but with was different..

"Oh, I got them when I was in the army. They're my battle scars. And the tattoo is from when me and my army buddies celebrated our first victory in battle"

"That's fucking sick. They look badass" Mirage says which makes me smile

"You really think so? I've always been insecure about my scars, that's why I always cover them up, or at least try too" I say, avoiding eye contact. Usually I would never admit this, but it's Mirage, I trust him

"Really? Y/N...they look beautiful on you..." Mirage says, and he softly grabs my chin and gently turns my head so I look at him and weave eye contact, which I know I can look away but right now...I don't want to...

"Y/N, your scars are incredible...they make you even more gorgeous, and I didn't think that was even possible. Now, I know that you'll still be insecure about them but I just want you to know, that I think they look absolutely gorgeous on you and that there is nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, to be insecure about." Mirage says gently, and seriously. I have never seen Mirage like that before, he's usually always cracking jokes but he said it so serious and sincerely. I can't help but blush at this and smile, and for now my insecurities just washed away. I know that they will be back but... when I'm with Mirage, all of my problems just seem away... (hehe, get it? "Fly away" cuz they're on a plane... I'll leave...)

"No one has ever said that before... thank means a lot to me, my transformer" I say, not knowing what to say. Mirage smiles and blushes when I call him 'my transformer'. Was I coming on to strong? Did I make him uncomfortable?

"Well, you deserve it. You're pretty lady" Mirage says and I blush even more when he calls me his 'pretty lady' it takes everything in me to not fan girl.

Mirage's hand was still softly holding my chin, and the other holding my waist. We look into each other's eyes and just go into our own little world, where it's just us two. My heart starts to beat faster, as our bodies slowly moves towards each other, like there was a gravitational pull. Was I about to kiss a robot? God, I hope so..
Unfortunately for me, the plane had shook roughly, making me and Mirage snap out of our little trance. Mirage takes him hand off of my chin, but still keeps his hand on my waist, and I pull closer into him, and lean my head back onto his shoulder, as Mirage rubs him thumb against my waist which makes me smile. Apparently I got to relaxed and slowly started to fall asleep. I guess Mirage thought I was already asleep since he told me this...

"Have a good sleep, y/n. ...I love you...don't you ever forget that, my pretty lady" Mirage says and before I could say something I fell asleep

(Author's note: when they just met and he's already saying "I love you" 😍🤩
Ik it's weird but I'm speeding this thing up a bit so oopies. Anyway thank you all for the love and support, again I really appreciate it! Remember to eat something and drink water!! Love ya, bye!)


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